Sons of Liberty Academy One Bad Apple
To understand complex or abnormal behavior we need to understand through observation, logic and rhetoric just like a CSI detective. The Elite always threaten to get to the bottom of a situation to direct emotional energy on finding out who did it. This getting to the bottom of it only provides us with scapegoat. I would suggest we get to the top of it. The reason why it happened and not who necessarily did it. We have to find the systemic reason. We are constantly told that it is a few bad apples. This is the collective sacrificing the individual to protect the collective. The Elite always want us blame faces and never the system that created the faces. This way they can change the faces to have a fresh start every time. Psychologists focus on the people. – They look at the root cause of the person and what situations created these mental problems. Anthropologists look at societies. – They look at the systems, institutions and values that destroyed the society. In order to understand our world we need to see the interaction between individuals, situations and systems. 3 ways to look at why something happened. – Dispositional- What was it in that person that caused that person to act A psychopath – Situational- What was it in a particular situation that caused that good people to act Desperate situation – Systemic- What legal, historical, propaganda, financial, political influence cause society to act The purposeful architects of a paradigm Using critical thinking we should approach all new information with with the 5 w’s and not just who. We should be looking not at the torturers but the sick society that produced and promoted them into power. Who created, perpetuated and profited off of that paradigm.
When we are programmed to get to the emotional bottom of a problem instead of the logical cause of the problem. we are very easy to manipulate and control. If we are to obey authority and be brainwashed to just blindly input information and regurgitate output we do not think. We are no longer ourselves in the sense of “I think therefore I am.” We are by default someone else’s because their thoughts control us. “Do your fears serve to free your mind or simply to make you serve?” Chris Duane Let’s give an example. Would you electro shock a stranger if told to by Hitler? Everyone would say no. When asked to 40 clinical psychologists what portion of society would shock some one to extreme pain they said only sadists would do it, no more than 1% of the population.
In 1963 Stanley Milgram asked this question at Yale. $4 an hour to conduct a memory experiment on average people. 1,000 people run through this problem. The test was that Memory improvement with rewards are good but what about punishment? Every time an answer was wrong the people were asked to shock the anonymous person. That was the big lie that was sold to the 1,000 people – The big lie is what they tell the subjects to get them to play along with the experiment. – If they knew they were actually doing something else they would act differently. – The REAL big lie is that they tell you that they are studying psychology to help people when in fact it is to control people. The experiment starts off small doses of electricity as the person gets it wrong and progresses in pain When people ask who is going to be responsible and the administrator says I will. As the pain goes up people say that they do not want to participate and work nicely in the system. The Adminstrator says that we have an agreement and that they MUST go on. Finally we get to a point where the screams are so bad that person getting shocked says they have a heart condition and screams and drops. The Administrators then says that if they do not answer the question it is a wrong answer and there fore must be shocked. 3 more shocks must be given at the XXX level where the person is already either dead or passed out. What do you think was the percentage of people that did this all the way through?
65% of the people go all of the way and shock at the highest level. This experiment is significant not only because it shows obedience to authority but also the critical thinking is not available to get that person out of the experiment. Other factors then came into the experiment like what kind of effect would dissension from peers play into the experiment it dropped to 35% at the half way point and only 10% going all of the way. What happened if the another authority figure said the dissented it dropped to 0% before the half way point. – The end of propaganda What happened if the person did not actually administered the shock and only participated in the questioning. 90% went all of the way.
So here we have the indecent proposal where all people need is the right incentives to do bad. And the majority of the people will make up what ever excuse they need to do the deed. Will you passively accept a situation that hurts others so that you can benefit? Would you actively support a situation where people are murdered so that you can live more comfortably? The power of anonymity is a huge factor in evil being done. Everyone blames Hitler for the holocaust but Hitler never really killed any one it was the thousands of faceless people that pulled the trigger. – Being anonymous allows a loss of self and therefore guilt – Loose inhibitions – Act out as another – Give up cognitive control to the situation. – Passively accepts higher quality of life by enabling evil
Another study was done taking the Milgram study but adding the anonymity effect to it. Women were brought in to the study under the “big lie” that they were to help the scientist see how creative women were under stress and that the women would have to stress them by shocking them. These women were then hooded so that they could not be seen. In this test, the women were not measured on the level of shock but the duration of shock. When compared to a test group where the individuals had names and faces, this hooded group administered twice the amount of shock but over time actually increased the shock as they became use to their power and anonymity. Lord of the Flies, KKK, Warriors …Our police our military. The uniform or mask provides the mental cover for people to do something that they would not normally do and allow societies not to bring home murderers when they get back into civilian mode. “Instant and willingness obedience to orders.” “Kill, kill,kill.” This allows killing to be situationally specific So that when men came back to the civilian world they would not become mass murders that they were over seas. – Those men with conscious often suffer from depression and end up killing themselves because of the evil they have done. – If they only saw that they were manipulated into selling their souls they could go about educating others to what they have facilitated. They could then go about creating a world where the Elite can no longer fool others in to doing the same.
Here is the 10 steps necessary to get good people to do bad things. 1.The big lie. Ends justify the means. 2.Small first step. Low barrier of entry. 3.Successively involved commitments. 4.Obey a just authority. Even candid camera 5.Never being able to question authority. 6.Rules are vague and changing. 7.Double think renaming things. Collateral damage/murder 8.Models of compliance- peer pressure preferably authority figures/ rewards- medals 9.Verbal dissent behavioral compliance. Steam valve feels good as the acts are still committed. 10. Make exiting difficult. Unless you can critically think to get out you will be stuck.