Complaint and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) Pilot project in Kassala Refugee camps, Eastern Sudan Pilot project in Kassala Refugee camps, Eastern Sudan Hotline
WFP’s 10 core Humanitarian Principles Humanity Neutrality Impartiality Accountability Respect Self-reliance Professionalism Participation Capacity Building Co-ordination Accountable first and foremost to people affected by crisis Humanitarian Accountability focuses on accountability to beneficiaries and the communities in which we work
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) PARTICIPATION Making sure that the women, men, and children affected by a disaster are involved in planning, implementing, and judging our response to their disaster - Good Enough Guide RESPONSIBLE USE OF POWER Accountability is the means by which power is used responsibly. Being accountable to beneficiaries requires that humanitarian agencies take account of beneficiaries’ opinions, concerns, suggestions, and complaints - Humanitarian Accountability Partnership Standard
Operationally, WFP focuses on the following three areas: Information provision: Providing accurate and timely information to AP about WFP’s assistance and services. AP need information accessible to all (diversity characteristics) Participation: Enabling AP, including the most marginalized, to play an active role in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of a project / FGD, community consultations Complaints and feedback mechanisms (CFMs): Mechanisms that provide users with safe means to voice complaints and provide feedback on areas relevant to WFP operations
Accountability is quite simple if you…. Listen to them Share ideas with them Ask People Agree on appropriate response DO it Check it Revise if needed Want Quality!! Want Quality!!
Community Help Desk (CHD) Hotline Suggestion or Complaint Box Logbooks Office Day Mail Several CFM types (separate or combined)
1.A Hotline, that beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries can call or SMS to request information, lodge a complaint, or provide feedback. The hotline is answered by an Operator based at CO level 2.An online CFM database system in which all calls are logged, categorized, forwarded and follow-up is recorded. 3. Complaint Focal Points at CO and AO level responsible for regularly reviewing and addressing the complaints and feedback received, with full or limited access to the database Hotline pilot project in Kassala: Key components
The life cycle of a complaint Beneficiary Telephone operator Focal Point Approving Authority Approves & Closes
Beneficiaries Non-beneficiaries Authorities (HAC, COR, NISS) Complaints Feedback Information Only related to WFP Programmes Who can use this system & for What?
What are the impact and value of a hotline/CFM for WFP operation? CFMs help us understand our programs from the beneficiaries’ perspective They provide us with the necessary information to adjust programs in order to best meet beneficiaries’ needs Benefits: Increasing dignity and empowering of stakeholders, deterring of harmful behaviors (abuse, corruption, theft), increased transparency and trust with communities, better targeting, improved programming They contribute to improving the quality and durability of our assistance
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