Labor & Employment Law Journal Library Orientation August 31, 2011
Orientation Session Goals Policies and procedures Journal liaison Borrowing items for journal Commonly used databases Library catalog Databases Interlibrary Loan Tour
Journal Liaison Mary Godfrey-Rickards
Borrowing Items Photocopy in the journal office Check items out under the journal account (Use your own account for note/paper research) Remember to check them in To borrow from Axinn, get the journal’s library card from the law library circulation desk
Commonly Used Databases Library Catalog HeinOnline WorldCat Law library databases
Library Catalog
HeinOnline Searchable database of selected law review/journal titles and other libraries
Law Library Databases Library Databases
Commonly Used Databases Article Finding: Index to Legal Periodicals LegalTrac Journal Finder (Axinn database) Labor and Employment Law: BNA Labor and Employment Law Library (including BNA Labor Relations Reporter)
Labor Law BNA Labor Relations Reporter CCH Labor Law Reporter Law Classified KF3464.A6 C6 Law ClassifiedKF3464.A6 C6 NLRB website E-CFR
NLRB Decisions
If Hofstra Doesn’t Have It Make sure that it exists as spelled Use worldcat/ and Google Books If it’s a journal article, check Journal Finder Verify with a reference librarian (write down their name) We can be called at (516) and IM’d at imernster (same ID for Google chat, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN) Give the information to an editor. A research editor will request the interlibrary loan (ILL). We do not ILL cases or newspaper articles
Research Guides Hofstra Georgetown Search searchGuides/Legal-Research-Engine.cfm searchGuides/Legal-Research-Engine.cfm [ then “legal research engine”]
Indexes to Citations Bluebook T1 Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations Bieber’s Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations