INTRODUCTION What about refugees?
EUROPEAN SOLIDARTY What are we doing in order to integrate refugees?
EUROPEAN PEOPLE Munich citizens waiting with clothes, food and toys for passengers from Budapest had been a lesson for countries like Spain German citizens take care of them and share water and food with them. They act like clowns for the kids. “This is a sharing job. For example, we receive them and another people who offers voluntary transport services, bring them here”. People think European institutions help is not enough for refugees
EUROPEAN PEOPLE “We help being humans to arrive in our shores safety” Proem-Aid is a spanish volunteer association that saves lifes in Lesbos They are professionals of emergency and like volunteers they rescue people in the sea. This non-profit association was created in december 2015 for saving lifes at the east coast of Lesbos. Their six-people teams are made for firefighters, skin divers, rescue swimmers and doctors that change every fifteen days on Lesbos island. Everyone who joins this project is theoric and practicely trained for the job.
VIDEOS OF EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY of-exhausted-refugees-at-munich-train-station of-exhausted-refugees-at-munich-train-station
GOOD PRACTICES/POLICIES Cities of spain made a network of refugees supporting municipalities The nonprofit Common Action Forum (CAF) organization, based in Madrid, introduced in 2015 its Application Refugees Map. Germany websites and
NGO’S PRACTCIES “Médicos sin fronteras” Unicef Red Cross (Cruz roja) UNHCR CEAR
HOW DO WE INTEGRATE? An organised society provides tools and solutions when the governments are not providing them (social networking) -
WORKING TOGETHER Guess who is the first country in these areas? Source:
WORKING TOGETHER Say practices that you think may integrate refugees in these 8 areas Source: