Protestant Reformation Catholic Reformation Belief that religion and politics go together Religious Wars in Europe
Germany Holy Roman Empire= 300 independent states Holy Roman Emperor (HRE) outlawed…Lutheranism, but couldn’t enforce this Busy fighting enemies (like Ottoman Turks) $ Problems: needed help from princes to pay armies German princes trying to keep power and remain independent Princes in N. Germany convert to Lutheranism, ending authority of Pope in their states Hapsburgs (royal family of HRE) support Catholic Church V.V.
War breaks out in 1546 Peace of Augsburg 1555: Each German prince has the right to choose Catholic or Lutheran as the religion for his state Tensions Rise Calvinism spreads Holy Roman Emperor Charles V abdicates the throne to son (Philip II of Spain) and his brother (Ferdinand II of Austria) 1000s of Protestant refugees fled to Netherlands, France, and England (spreading Protestantism to these lands)
France Catholic majority French Protestant minority (Huguenots) V. Wars and Massacres St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Paris Catholics attack and kill Huguenots in Paris for wedding of Henry Duke of Navarre men, women, and children killed in Paris, 1000s more throughout France
Assassination of Henry III Henry, Duke of Navarre, becomes King of France (Henry IV): a Huguenot king! Converts to Catholicism “Paris is worth a mass!” Issued Edict of Nantes: guaranteed Huguenots religious freedom France accepts absolute monarchy because they are tired of religious wars Edict of Nantes is revoked by Louis XIII