Human Rights Based Approaches and Community-based climate change adaptation in practice Experiences from the Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa (ALP) Fiona Percy Regional Programme Coordinator ALP, CARE Danmark
Adaptation Learning Programme Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Niger Community-level piloting of Community Based Adaptation (CBA) Capacity building of civil society and local government Advocacy – local, national, global
Framing of CBA Climate change is complex and complicated Distinction between adaptation, development, DRR often blurred Adaptation practice - evolving over time, no blueprints A moving goal post – as the climate keeps changing – flexibility and locally ‘controlled’ continuous decision making is critical But, not controversial, not contested – the big question is ‘ how to do CBA in practice?’ Promoting CBA approaches which uphold HRBA without explicit reference may be more successful Where adaptation policy and plans focus on top down decision of technical interventions, challenges are needed in terms of rights, but also in terms of understanding and acting on what it takes to achieve successful adaptation to impacts of climate change
CBA framework
Adaptive Capacity Deliberate process to strengthen (not just protect) adaptive capacity - involves rights to: Analyse context, differential vulnerability and capacity Equitable access, control and accumulation of assets / resource base (e.g. land, income, credit, etc.) Institutions and entitlements: predictable, fair, sustainable access to services, rights, participation in decision-making, organisations etc Access and use Knowledge and information: climate information services, indigenous knowledge Innovation: driven by new and unexpected weather and climate scenarios and impacts Flexible and forward-looking decision making: responsive and adaptable governance This ‘software’ combined with ‘hardware’ is a precondition to effective adaptation Participation/opportunity, Transparency, Accountability, Non- discrimination are integral aspects of adaptive capacity
CBA messages on equity Climate change exacerbates the risks facing people already marginalised by inequitable distribution of resources and denial of rights, and increases these inequalities Climate change impacts and responses (and other changes like access to new communications) are changing gender norms and social relations and adaptive capacity CBA must ensure inclusive and meaningful participation of all groups, including the most vulnerable, respecting their agency and recognise different aspirations, skills, knowledge and capacity. Support a continuum of social protection measures from social safety nets to springboard mechanisms like savings and loans which target the most vulnerable and promote pathways into resilience. Women’s empowerment brings multiple benefits:- economic, social, community status, voice in the public domain, organisation and access to resources, which improve gender relations and contributes to adaptive capacity and managing uncertainty
Climate information services Multi-stakeholder platform – science (meteorology), communities, government ministries from different sectors, NGOs, CBOs. Co-generation of actionable information for decision making and planning
Community monitor, Farfar community
Integrating CAAPs in local development plans Community ownership of their adaptation action plans (CAAPs) Integration of adaptation and community-focused processes (CAAPs) in local development and risk reduction plans and budgets Flexible planning using seasonal forecasts
Underlying causes of vulnerability Entrenched poverty often related to rights abuse – land and water rights, inequality, exclusion, poor governance, exploitation Adaptation success depends on reducing barriers to change in these areas – CC impacts, analysis and planning all raise their profile Civil society has a role to play in picking them up in advocacy, outside of CBA actions Eg. Debt and encroachment of the Tarka valley, Niger
Tarka Valley
Communique on CBA and resilience in East and Southern Africa drylands, September 2014 Recommendation 1: Promote a people centred, rights based approach to development of programmes and policies in the drylands, which focuses on empowerment and governance through increasing community rights, and voice in decision making towards locally owned development pathways.
CSO CBA advocacy Participation in policy formulation – has been open to CSOs – nationally and joint efforts at UNFCCC between African delegations and CSOs/NGOs Budget analysis and adaptation finance tracking Watch dog roles for transparency and accountability to be developed Messaging and evidence – adaptive capacity still elusive and top down adaptation intervention planning more the norm
Links to international human rights regime Increasing recognition that a safe climate is crucial for fulfillment of human rights And, that climate change and lack of action interfere with human rights Civil society advocacy aiming at COP participants and general public Southern Voices in rights-based climate change advocacy
Links to international human rights regime National states as duty-bearers Obligations and responsibility of other states (major emitters) Extra-territorial obligations of states Supporting civil society partners in working with human rights mechanisms (eg, UPR, UNGP)
Thank You! Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP): Community Based Adaptation Brief: Facing Uncertainty: the value of climate information for adaptation, risk reduction and resilience in Africa PSP brief: Managing Uncertainty: An economic evaluation of community-based adaptation in Dakoro, Niger: ACCRA LAC Framework: ALP is supported by