Changing settlements in the UK Changes to a variety of urban areas Learning objective – Identify places which have changed over time and explained the impact of this change.
Classwork7 th January 2012 Changing urban areas
London – economic growth Watch the videos and make notes on the reasons why London has experienced growth: face-of-london-transformation-since-world-war- two/8310.html face-of-london-london-docklands/8317.html face-of-london-london-today/8316.html
Liverpool – economic decline Watch the video and answer the following question – “Why is Liverpool struggling to develop?” living-conditions/7341.html to-leave-liverpool-to-managed-declinehttp:// to-leave-liverpool-to-managed-decline (until 1min50)
Varying urban areas within Liverpool – photo analysis Make notes about each of the following slides.
Varying urban areas Liverpool docks – urban issues or benefits?
Varying urban areas Typical terraced street– urban issues or benefits?
Varying urban areas Liverpool One – urban issues or benefits?
Key word - Multiple deprivation Lacking adequate food, shelter, education and health care. It is a measure which takes into account different measures of deprivation and produces an overall rating. Inner city areas usually have the highest multiple deprivation rating. What types of deprivation will be faced here and why?
Mini plenary - recap How has London managed to keep developing over time? Why have cities like Liverpool gone into economic decline? What is being done to improve declining areas? What is multiple deprivation and how is it affecting people in cities (inner city areas)?
Rural communities Learning objective - identifying the features of different rural areas.
Paired work – picture analysis 5 minutes – look at the pictures provided : 1.Describe the location. 2.What would life be like in this area? (+ / - ) 3.Who would live in this area?
? 1.Describe the location. 2.What would life be like in this area? (+ / - ) 3.Who would live in this area?
Class feedback!
Different rural experiences Traditional remote upland area Rural retirement village Commuter village
Next time Why have rural settlements changed over time? Why do we now have: 1. Purpose built retirement villages? 2. Commuter villages? Why are some rural areas not as remote as they used to be?
Research homework Research a range of strategies being used to protect rural areas from urban sprawl. Explain how the strategies will work. Due in on Thursday 11 th January 2013.