Silk Roads Explore environmental conditions along the Silk Route through the Taklamakan Desert. Use these satellite images along with maps: -BW_SilkRoads-Base map.pdf - BW_SilkRoads-Towns map.pdf -color_SilkRoads-Satellite Image11x17.pdf C. Gersmehl, Feb. 1, 2009 Geography and History Project, Michigan Geographic Alliance,
These satellite images are from NASA. 1-Find the Taklamakan Desert; it has an oval shape, is sandy colored, and looks dry. 2-Find the high Himalaya Mountains; they look high, form a long curving line, and have white snow in the highest places.
1-Notice the white snow on the high mountains. 2-Rivers will carry melting snow down to several oases. 3-Find the Taklamakan Desert on the map (near towns #5-#12). Taklamakan
Strong windstorms make huge sand dunes. 1-On this satellite image, find green areas that have received water from melting snow. 2-Find the Taklamakan Desert on the map (near towns #5-#12). Taklamakan