India: A Country Devastated by Rape and Sexual Violence Against Females by Angela Shand Sign out
Being a Woman in India Is India’s condescending cultural view towards women to be blamed for the atrocities against its female population?
India in Perspective ❑ India was colonized by the British in 1858 ❑ Gained independence in 1947 ❑ Although India had a female Prime Minister from as early as the 1960s, women were never seen as equal to men. ❑ There is no current evidence that proves that India’s colonization by the British has caused the type of violence the women in India are experiencing today. ❑ Both males and females in the country have subservient views about women.
Population Overview ❑ India’s population is 1,220,800,359 – second largest in the world. ❑ Considered to be overpopulated ❑ Male population 634,816,187 (52% of the Population) ❑ Female population 585,984,172 (48% of the Population ❑ Number of males more than females (48,832,015) ❑ Sex selective abortion might be an attribute
Overview ❑ I n India, every 20 minutes a woman or girl is raped. ❑ Most of India’s rape cases are gang rape by at least 6 to 12 men ❑ If a woman resist being raped, groped, or “Eve- Teasing,” she may be burnt with acid or set ablaze. ❑ Women are blamed for their rape by a huge part of society, but recent developments have garnered support by both males and females (in protest against rape).
The Problems ❑ Females are subservient ❑ Females are treated inhumanely in some cases ❑ How does society view women? ❑ Male are the dominant sex ❑ What are women’s roles, really? ❑ Widespread corruption in the police force making it difficult to enforce the laws ❑ Most rapes are not reported
Law and Enforcement Prior to 2012, the punishments for rape and sex crimes were: ❑ 10 years maximum for rape ❑ 1 year or a fine (or both) for sexual harassment. In 2012, the law changed to: ❑ 20 years to life imprisonment and in some cases death by hanging. ❑ 2 to 3 years for sexual harassment.
The Crime Scene
The Punishment ❑ It is very difficult to punish criminals in India due to police corruption. ❑ Police officers are also known to commit and assist in rape or assault. ❑ Police officers ‘weaken the case’ for payoff ❑ Some believe that the harsher punishment for rape offenses will only allow the police to charge a higher price for weakening the case.
The Cases ❑ In December 2012 a 23-year-old woman was gang raped in a moving bus in New Delhi ❑ The physiotherapy student died in a Singapore hospital two weeks later ❑ Her attackers were brutal. The 6 men beat her and her male companion, took turns raping her, then inserted a car jack into her. ❑ She was in critical condition and needed organ transplant, but soon succumbed to her injuries ❑ In April of this year, two men abducted a 5 year old for three days and raped her repeatedly. ❑ A photo Journalist was raped in daylight in Mumbai ❑ Most rape cases are not reported
The Cases ❑ Data released recently by the National Crime Records Bureau of India reported there have been 24, 206 rapes, 42,968 Molestations and 8,570 harassments, and 35,565 kidnappings of women in 2011 in India ❑ Woman are ostracize if they report that they have been raped, but men live a normal lifestyle without any stigma. There is no sex offender registration process.
CONCLUSION ❑ What does it take to bring change to India? ❑ Is there a solution or proper punishment for offenders? ❑ The mentality and culture needs to be changed in the way women are treated. One female reporter in India said, “women are treated like slaves.” ❑ Get rid of the stigma surrounding women, especially rape victims -victims are blamed for rape attacks. ❑ Sex education (5 states ban sexuality education) ❑ Education for girls ❑ Changing the mindset of the people ❑ Lastly, India may need the international community’s help in curbing rape crimes.
Conclusions Nothing to kill or die for...imagine all the people living life in peace. Imagine... (600 guitarist singing John Lennon’s Imagine in memory of a 22 year old rape victim who died as a result of the attack)