Congress An Introduction Congress The Legislative Body –makes the laws.


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Presentation transcript:

Congress An Introduction

Congress The Legislative Body –makes the laws

Congress 2 houses - bicameral House of Representatives –435 members Senate –100 members

Congress Term of Congress - 2 years Session - about 1 year (2 per term) Adjourn- end of session Recess - short break

House of Representatives Elected based on population Represents a Congressional District –10 in Indiana Sometimes referred to as the “lower house”

House of Representatives 25 years old Live in the state they represent –do not need to live in the district Citizen of the U.S. for 7 years

Senate Two per state –regardless of population Represents the entire state Sometimes referred to as the “upper house”

Senate 30 years old Live in the state they represent Citizen of the U.S. for 9 years

Differences between the House & Senate major appointments Treaties Impeach - 2/3 vote Choose a VP if necessary Senate - Executive Powers

Differences between the House & Senate Money Bills Choose a President if necessary Charge impeachment House

Differences between the House & Senate Debate rules –filibuster –cloture Committees

Political Action Committees Also known as PACs Sometimes called the “Third House” of Congress Inform officials of issues or bills Give political contributions

Duties of a Congressman A Congressman does more than what you might think! Proposes legislation, drafts bills, debates, votes Holds town meetings Member of several committees and sub-committees…. Much More!!!!

Benefits of a Congressman Being a member does have its privileges! $133,600 per year Travel allowance Staff and office allowance (2 offices) – Senators $1.4 million –House a staff of up to 22 people

Benefits of a Congressman Free mail & printing Low cost TV and Radio clips 2 gyms, pools and saunas

The National Defense Only Congress can declare war! The House appropriates money!

Expressed Powers Powers expressed in the Constitution Declare war, Collect taxes, Establish Post office...

Implied Powers “to make laws which are necessary and proper for carrying into execution the forgoing powers”

Term Limits Is term limits a good idea? Currently –House 2 years –Senate 6 years –Unlimited terms

Qualities of a good Congressman. What makes the ideal congressman?

Ways to improve Congress Term limits? Spending limits on campaigns? Limit PAC money?

How Congress has changed Full-time profession Spend more time in Washington More scandals?