Issue #1
Definitions Globalization: is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
What does it mean to be Canadian? Using the term “Canadian” is associating yourself with an identity…but what is that identity? Identity: is an umbrella term used throughout the social sciences to describe an individual's comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity
How is identity shaped? Identity : individual, regional, national, you can have a “school” identity, a community identity, a religious identity Identity is shaped and influenced by numerous factors: your social economic status (based on your income), your community, your interests, the internet, music, politics, clothes, family, friends, travel, language, etc…
Factors That Shape Identity “Things to consider” How do these affect your identity? How do you view the history of some of these factors? What other factors have been important in shaping your identity?
All of these factors are part of the context (the circumstances or surroundings) that help to shape your identity they will shape how you respond to various circumstances/situations For example: you may be a “role model” for your older brother—how than does this role affect your identity? Your identity may also be “heightened” when someone has expectations of you that you do not want to accomplish or meet (ex. Parents wanting you to go one to University)
Time and Who You Are The passage of time also affects who you are: Are you the same person as you were when you were 6 years old? Last year? Today? Through the passage of time your experiences also affect who you are and who you will become
How do you express who you are? Everyone, who is anyone expresses their identity is different ways Hindus, for example, express part of their identity that is rooted in their heritage by not eating beef—whereas, other people do not choose to eat beef because they believe that animals should not be killed to provide food for humans This choice expresses a belief that is an important part of their identity
Expressing Individual Identity: 1. Traditions: many people continue to celebrate certain festivals that are part of their heritage (ex. For many people of Finnish heritage, the sauna is an important tradition that expresses and aspect of their identity- they believe that a sauna not only cleans and heals the body, but also purifies the mind)
2. Language: many language experts and anthropologist believe that language expresses the way people view and understand the world around them—as a result they say that language is an important aspect of people’s identity this may explain why different languages have more words to describe the ideas of snow (Inuit have 10 words to describe snow) and love versus the English language (which only has one word)
3. Clothing and Body Art: anything that you sport may express aspects of your identity (whether you realize it or not) People who choose to not wear clothing that displays trendy brand names may be expressing a belief that is important to them The same can be said about people choosing not to wear fur
Tattoos and piercing are another form of body adornment People have been adoring their bodies for thousands of years Women in Iran, have worn earrings in their pierced ears for more than 4000 yrs Tattoos have been predominate in many societies over the ages (Egyptian, Maya, Incas, etc…) There tattoos might have shown their marital status, membership to a clan, commemoration of a battle, or journey
We tattoo too! In Western society we used to frown upon it Even today, some cultures continue to do so (prohibiting marking the skin) Others today, however, view it as a statement of individual identity
Definitions collective identity: refers to individuals' sense of belonging to a group (the collective). the collective identity forms a part of his or her personal identity the sense of belonging to a particular group will be so strong that it will trump other aspects of the person's personal identity Individual identity: all aspects that one “allows” or accepts to be part of themselves
Task: What is Canada’s COLLECITVE IDENTITY? In groups: Read pages, With that information, and your knowledge of being Canadian, answer the question: What is Canada’s collective identity? What does it mean to be Canadian?
I Am Canadian A3vakVg A3vakVg