Grade 10 Geography Exam Review The Geography end of semester exam is on Friday 27 th May and is 1 hour 30 mins in length. Use your notes, the wiki & textbook pages , to review Things to Know…
Geo Exam Topics 1.What is development? 2.How can we measure development? 3.Describe development trends shown in graphs and charts. 4.Advantages and disadvantages of different indicators of development. 5.Identify Social, Economic and Composite Indicators of development. 6.Identify & explain development patterns and trends across the globe. 7.Classify countries into different economic groupings (MEDC, LEDC, NIC, FCC, LLEDC, OPEC) 8.What are the economic and social characteristics of countries in these groupings? 9.What are the development issues facing Swaziland? 10.What factors can hinder development? How do these apply to a specific country? 11.What specific strategies can a country use to develop? 12.What are the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies? 13.What is trade and what is its importance in development? 14.Reflections on the trading game. 15.Trade surplus and deficit. 16.Problems faced by LEDC countries in the World Trade system. 17.What is Globalization? 18.Cultural, Political and Economic Globalization – describe. 19.What are Trans-National Corporations (TNCs) and how do they demonstrate globalization? 20.A case study of a global product and organization in relation to globalization. 21.Advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
You have 1 minute on each sheet…. Sheet 1 A definition of development Explanation of the difficulties of achieving a universally accepted definition of development Sheet 2 What is the HDI of the different countries (annotate the graph) Compare and contrast the HDI’s of the different countries, what reasons might they be for those patterns existing? Identify all the possible factors why the HDI in Ethiopia is the lowest on the graph Sheet 3 Examples of Social, Economic & Composite indicators of development Explain GDP per capita Strengths and limitations of GDP Per capita as a measure of development How can using PPP improve GDP per capita as a measure of development? Sheet 4 Analysis and description of the development pattern shown on the map (annotate the map) Sheet 5 Economic Groupings Define: NIC, LLEDC, LEDC, MEDC, OPEC, FCC & list countries for each Sheet 6 Using examples of countries explain all the factors that can hinder development What are Swaziland's development issues? Sheet 7 Create a table identifying different development strategies and their strengths and limitations Sheet 8 Define trade and explain why it is necessary Reflections on the trade game and how it reflects the reality of the global economic system Sheet 9 Create 8 example calculations of a countries surplus and deficit, and then solve these Identify the problems LEDCs face in the world trade system Sheet 10 Define economic, political and cultural globalization Explain how Volkswagen has globalized Explain the positive and negative effects of globalization
Exam review topics…. 1 A definition of development Explanation Difficulties of achieving a universally accepted definition of development 2 Analysis of graphs and charts of development indicators 3 Examples of Social, Economic & Composite indicators of development Explain GDP per capita Strengths and limitations of GDP Per capita as a measure of development How can using PPP improve GDP per capita as a measure of development? 4 Analysis and description of the development pattern shown on choropleth maps 5 Economic Groupings Define: NIC, LLEDC, LEDC, MEDC, OPEC, FCC & list countries for each 6 Using examples of countries explain all the factors that can hinder development 7 Create a table identifying different development strategies and their strengths and limitations 8 Define trade and explain why it is necessary Reflections on the trade game and how it reflects the reality of the global economic system 9 Create 5 example calculations of a countries surplus and deficit, and then solve these Identify the problems LEDCs face in the world trade system 10 Define economic, political and cultural globalization Explain how Volkswagen has globalized Explain the positive and negative effects of globalization textbook pages , to review
Development & globalization review crossword
A choropleth map showing life expectancy across the world
Review plan… Crossword Timed review game Review your notes, for another round of the guessing game Review game connector game Review topics as a class/ note taking/ use the revision cards Pair up and test each other Ask any questions you have today