CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville POIWG #31 – Jan , 2012 Stéphanie HERR - Alain MAILLET Overview of the Experiments supported by CADMOS
2 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville ENERGY: Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights REVERSIBLE FIGURES: Perceived reversals of perspective Reversible Figures IMMUNO: Neuroendocrine and immunological changes NEUROSPAT: Prefrontal brain functions and spatial cognition LACS CHECKOUT: CARDIOLAB Leg cuffs System checkout for BP Reg experiment CARD: Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease (support to DAMEC) – contingency subject only SOLO: Sodium retention in microgravity – contingency subject only BDC only: EDOS: Early Detection of Osteoporosis in Space (ground only) SPIN-GAZE: Centrifugation, static tilt and orthostatic tilt tests (ground only) “Specials”: DOSIS-3D: Dose Distribution inside ISS (support to MUSC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for EPM CBPD) VESSEL IMAGING: Vascular Imaging (support to DAMEC) EXPERIMENTS SUPPORT Increments 31-32
3 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville ENERGY Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights (support to DAMEC) Science overview Measure energy requirements before and during long-term space flight (>90 days), through doubly labeled water (DLW) intake to measure total energy expenditure (TEE) and body composition Main Hardware DAMEC: PFS (in HRF2) including MBS system, PFS Face Mask Kit, Energy kit CADMOS: EPM & EPM Laptop, Energy Armband Kit, Energy Food Kit, Energy Urine Collection Kit, Energy Sample Kit, Energy Armband Consumable Kit, Energy UltraBay Wallet, Water Sampling Kit, Energy Water Kit, Urine Containment Bag Kit Coordinated ops with NASA for PFS Subjects Inc 31-32: A.Kuipers (prime), D.Pettit (control and reserve subject), J. Acaba (Reserve) Number of inflight subjects performed: 0 out of 9 Implementation 1 session of 11 days after 3 month in space Crew time Under USOS resources. 5.83hrs for PFS hrs for ENERGY stand-alone, per test subject. Control: 3hrs Data Samples downloaded at ambient temperature, data downlinked via EPM Photo / Video N/A
4 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville REVERSIBLE FIGURES Perceived reversals during visualization of perspective-reversible figures Science overview The objective of this experiment is to investigate whether the perception of ambiguous figures is affected by microgravity. The experiment proposed here will compare the percept reversals during the visualization of perspective-reversible figures in astronauts before, during and after long-term duration exposure to microgravity. Free floating required Main Hardware ESA MultiPurpose Payload Laptop Reversible Figures Kit containing Visor, Trackball, dedicated Hard disk, PCMCIA Card (same equipment as for 3DSPACE) Subjects Inc 31-32: S. Williams Number of inflight subjects performed: 0 out of 6 Implementation 4 to 6 sessions per subject Crew time 60 min per session – TBC after EST + 10 min after last session for data downlink Data Data stored on PCMCIA card – downlink to ground via OCA Photo / Video Video desired to check free floating position
5 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville IMMUNO Neuroendocrine and immune responses during and after long term stay at ISS Science overview Stand alone experiment to study how human psycho-neuroendocrine and immunologic systems adapt to space environment, and how these processes are dependent on the cellular level of signal processing Main Hardware Plasma03 centrifuge MELFI freezer Stress Test paper sheets, Saliva-Immuno kit, MBI Defence kit, Plasma 03 kit. Subjects Inc 31-32: G. Padalka and S. Revin Number of inflight subjects performed: 2 out of 4 Implementation First session during quiet period between L+3months and L+5months Second session during R-14days and R-4days Crew time 2h/session (+30min for a support by a crew operator during blood sampling) Day 1: Stress Tests, Saliva Samplings, Blood Sampling Data Blood samples (frozen), paper Current Stress tests sheets, blood smears boxes and saliva tubes, blood sampling logbooks. Photo / Video Pictures of inflight operations: nice to have for presentation purpose.
6 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville LACS CHECKOUT Leg cuffs system checkout for CSA BP Reg experiment Overview Operational test of LACS system for BP Reg experiment The purpose of the check-out is to ensure hardware and Guided Crew Procedure proper performance. For this activity, the LACS will not be applied on a human subject, two cuffs will be placed around MARES Payload Shoulder Support. Main Hardware EPM, CARDIOLAB, EPM laptop, MARES shoulder support (acting as leg dummy), LACS (with Leg cuffs) LACS is a stressor device that uses leg/arm cuffs with controlled pressure application and pressure release Subjects Inc 31-32: S. Williams Implementation Ckeckout to be performed once prior BP Reg experiment Crew time 2 hours to be confirmed (CSA crewtime) Data Data downlink via EPM Photo / Video Real time video nice to have
7 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville NEUROSPAT Prefrontal brain functions and spatial cognition Science overview Subject in free floating using a tunnel (lighshield) to immerge into challenging scene. EEG, EOG, EMG and ECG signals are acquired via EPM-MEEMM. Main Hardware EPM, MEEMM, laptops, lightshield, gamepad, EEG cap, consumable (gel), chest belt Subjects Inc 31-32: A. Hoshide (Subject), S. Williams (Operator) Number of inflight subjects performed: 3 out of 5, 4th currently ongoing Implementation 2 sessions per subject (around FD15 and FD60) 3 days activities /session Crew time Day 1 : hardware pre installation Day 2 : electronic hardware activation, EEG cap setup, experimental session, quick stowing Day 3 : data saving, stowing Data Data stored on MEEMM and laptop Neurosciences Hard Disks Data downlink via EPM High Rate link Photo / Video 5 min video required, photo-modeling pictures of EEG cap
8 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville Science overview Experiment that intends to test: 1.How the cardiovascular system adapts to prolonged weightlessness and whether the arterial resistance vessels are chronically dilated in space. 2.Whether there is a mismatch between the level of sympathetic nervous activity and dilatation of these vessels. Main Hardware Pulmonary Function System (Cardiac output - DAMEC) CDL Holter Arterial BP Equipment (24h BP measurements - CADMOS) Blood Sample Kit, ESA Urine Collection Kit (CADMOS), HRF-2 RC and MELFI Coordinated ops with NASA for PFS – RC – MELFI Subjects Inc 29-30: A. Kuipers (should be last subject #8) Inc 31-32: A. Hoshide – Reserve: contingency subject only Number of inflight subjects performed: 7 out of 8 Implementation 1 in flight session per subject, preferably after 3 months on-orbit, minimal 2 months. Crew time Day 0: 10 min (CDL Holter batteries insertion) Day 1: 145 min ( EPM laptop activation for Holter configuration, PFS S/U, Holter S/U, Start of 24hr urine collection, 3 PFS measurements, Holter data saving) Day 2: 240 min (Blood collection, RC, MELFI insertion, end of urine collection, urine sampling and MELFI insertion, 2 PFS measurements, Holter data saving, stowage) Data Holter data / Urine Log stored on PCMCIA card – downlink to ground via EPM Photo / Video Video of one rebreathing session CARD – CONTINGENCY ONLY Investigating Mechanisms of Heart Disease (support to DAMEC)
9 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville SOLO – CONTINGENCY ONLY Perception of perspective Reversible Figures in Microgravity Science overview Study the impact of diet period on fluid and salt retention. Main Hardware EPM Laptop for PCBA SW update CDL Holter Arterial BP Cable for PCBA SW update PCBA: Portable Clinical Blood Analyzer MELFI: Freezer HRF2/RC: Refrigerated Centrifuge HRF1/SLAMMD: space weight-scale Consumables for Blood and Urine samples Coordinated ops with NASA for RC – SLAMMD – MELFI and for data retrieval via Webmirage Subjects Inc 29-30: A.Kuipers and D. Burbank – last subjects #8 and #9 Inc 31-32: A. Hoshide – Reserve: contingency subject only Number of inflight subjects performed: 7 out of 9 Implementation 2 sessions per subject, 6 days activities /session L + 30 days < session 1 < 0 to 7 days < session 2 < R – 30 days Crew time Day 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 : diet monitoring Day 4 & 6 : body mass measurement with SLAMMD Day 5 : blood collection and PCBA measurement Day 5 & 6 : 24hrs urine collection Data Data record in logs (diet, PCBA, urine) Data downlink to ground (SLAMMD) Blood and urine samples download to ground (frozen)
10 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville ExperimentsPre-flightPost-flight ENERGY Between L-150 and L-30 d DEXA scan b/w L-365d and L0 Body mass before launch Body mass between R+0 and R+7d DEXA scan between R+0d and R+1y REVERSIBLE FIGURES L-120 ±30d, L-90 ±30d, L-60 ±30dR+1 ±1d, R+4 ±2d, R+8 ±2d IMMUNO Between L-30d/L-7dR+1 or R+2, R+7, R NEUROSPAT L-90d, L-60d, L-30d.R+2, R+6, >R+15 (x2) CARD Any time before L> R+60d SOLO Before launch (Resting Energy Measurement) >R+6M EDOS L-60d, L-30d R+1d (BM), R+2d (XCT), R+15d (BM), R+90d(BM & XCT), R+180d (BM & XCT), R+360d ±2w SPIN-GAZE <L (x3) the same Wk R+1d, R+4d, R+9d: VVIS and Tilt test BDC Overview
11 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville BPBlood PressureHRFHuman Research Facility CDLCardiolabLACSLeg/Arm Cuffs System ECGElectrocardiogramMEEMMMulti ElectroEncephalogramme Mapping Module EEGElectroencephalogramMELFIMinus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS EOGElectrooculogramPCBAPortable Clinical Blood Analyzer EPMEuropean Physiology Modules Facility RCRefrigerated Centrifuge HDHard DiskSWSoftware ACRONYMS
12 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville BACKUP SLIDES
13 CADMOS-POIWG#31 I Jan , 2012 I Huntsville ENERGY: Astronaut’s energy requirements for long-term space flights REVERSIBLE FIGURES: Perceived reversals of perspective Reversible Figures IMMUNO: Neuroendocrine and immunological changes NEUROSPAT: Prefrontal brain functions and spatial cognition MARES COMMISSIONING PART 2: Functional checkout with a man in the loop BDC only: EDOS: Early Detection of Osteoporosis in Space (ground only) SPIN-GAZE: Centrifugation, static tilt and orthostatic tilt tests (ground only) “Specials”: BP Reg: Blood Pressure Regulation (support to CSA) DOSIS-3D: Dose Distribution inside ISS (support to MUSC) ICV: Integrated Cardiovascular (support to NASA-ICV for EPM CBPD) VESSEL IMAGING: Vascular Imaging (support to DAMEC) EXPERIMENTS SUPPORT Increments 33-34