Data Riverside Community Schools
Schoolwide Trends Riverside Community Schools
Schoolwide Reading Trends
Schoolwide Math Trends
Schoolwide Science Trends
Schoolwide Social Studies Trends
District Proficiency Levels Riverside Community Schools
Reading Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 24% of 440, or 104 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2015, 20% of 435, or 87 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2014, 18% of 438, or 78 students in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading. In 2013, 24% of 442, or 106 students, in 2 nd -11 th grade, were non-proficient in reading.
Math Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 20% of 440, or 88 student, in 2 nd -11 th grade were non-proficient in math. In 2015, 14% of 435, or 61 students, were non-proficient in math. In 2014, 15% of 438, or 65 students, were non-proficient in math. In 2013, 20% of 442, or 88 students, were non-proficient in math.
Science Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 19% of 440, or 84 students, in 2 nd -11 th grades, were non-proficient in science. In 2015, 18% of 435, or 78 student, were non-proficient in science. In 2014, 17% of 438, or 75 students were non-proficient in science. In 2013, 20% of 442, or 88 students were non-proficient in science.
Social Studies Proficiency Levels Grades 2-11 (n=440) In 2016, 28% of 440, or 123 students in 2 nd -11 th grades, were non-proficient in social studies. In 2015, 21% of 435, or 91 student, were non-proficient in social studies In 2014, 22% of 438, or 96 students were non-proficient in social studies. In 2013, 22% of 442, or 97 students were non-proficient in social studies.
Gradewise Proficiencies Riverside Community Schools
Gradewise Proficiencies – Reading
Gradewise Proficiencies – Math
Gradewise Proficiencies – Science
Gradewise Proficiencies – Social Studies
Class Proficiency Trends Riverside Community Schools
Class of 2026 – 2nd Graders
Class of 2025 – 3rd Graders
Class of 2024 – 4th Graders
Class of 2023 – 5th Graders
Class of 2022 – 6 th Graders
Class of 2021 – 7 th Graders
Class of 2020 – 8 th Graders
Class of 2019 – 9 th Graders
Class of 2018 – 10 th Graders
Class of 2017 – 11 th Graders
Grade Level Proficiency Trends Riverside Community Schools
2 nd Grade Proficiency Trends
3 rd Grade Proficiency Trends
4 th Grade Proficiency Trends
5 th Grade Proficiency Trends
6 th Grade Proficiency Trends
7 th Grade Proficiency Trends
8 th Grade Proficiency Trends
9 th Grade Proficiency Trends
10 th Grade Proficiency Trends
11 th Grade Proficiency Trends
Gaps Riverside Community Schools
SES Gaps Riverside Community Schools
SES - Reading Proficiency Gaps
SES - Math Proficiency Gaps
SES - Science Proficiency Gaps
SES – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps
Gender Gaps Riverside Community Schools
Gender - Reading Proficiency Gaps
Gender – Math Proficiency Gaps
Gender – Science Proficiency Gaps
Gender – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps
IEP Gaps Riverside Community Schools
IEP – Reading Proficiency Gaps
IEP – Math Proficiency Gaps
IEP – Science Proficiency Gaps
IEP – Social Studies Proficiency Gaps
FAY Gaps Riverside Community Schools
District Proficiencies - FAY Gaps Riverside Community Schools
FAY – Reading Proficiency Gap
FAY – Math Proficiency Gap
FAY – Science Proficiency Gap
FAY – Social Studies Proficiency Gap
Gap Trendlines Riverside Community Schools
SES Schoolwide Gap Trends- Reading
SES Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math
SES Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science
IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Reading
IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math
IEP Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science
Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Reading
Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Math
Gender Schoolwide Gap Trends - Science
College Career Readiness – 11 th Graders Riverside Community Schools
College Ready - Reading
College Ready - Math
College Ready - Science
College Ready – Social Studies
Goals Riverside Community Schools
Long-Range Goals Goal 1: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in reading comprehension, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 2: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in mathematics, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 3: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in science, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 4 All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in social studies, prepared for success beyond high school. Goal 5: All K-12 students will use integrated technology as part of their typical experiences in reading, mathematics, and science classes/courses. Goal 6: All students will feel safe at and connected to school. Goal 7: All K-12 students will use integrated 21st century skills as part of their typical experiences in reading, mathematics, and science classes/courses. Goal 8: All K-12 students will achieve at high levels in written expression, prepared for success beyond high school.
Elementary School Annual Goals for Reading Goal: 60% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the IA Assessment. FAY students taking the IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Math Goal: 64% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the IA Assessment. FAY students taking the IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Science Goal: 68% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the IA Assessment. FAY students taking the IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. Social Studies Goal: 54% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the IA Assessment. FAY students taking the IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in o Written Expression Goal: 68% of FAY students (class of 2026) tested proficient on the IA Assessment. FAY students taking the IA Assessments will maintain or show growth in overall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores. verall proficiency percentage compared to their 15/16 scores.
Intermediate School Annual Goals for Reading Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Reading. Math Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Math. Science Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Science. Social Studies Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Social. Written Expression Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Written Expression.
Jr./Sr. High School Annual Goals for Reading Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Reading. Math Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Math. Science Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Science. Social Studies Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Social Studies. Written Expression Goal: 30% of the FAY students in the classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 performing in the non-proficient range on the Iowa Assessment will show growth on the test in Written Expression.