Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Rude – Room 302 Lakeview Elementary School September 17, 2009
Please write any questions you might have on the note cards. Questions?
What’s in the folder??? “Put Reading First” Brochure Homework Expectations Project Read Red Words Handwriting Standards Math Facts Practice (+/-) Movie Permission
Our Class Schedule 7:50-8:30: Opening – D.L.R. 8:30-9:50: Language Arts 9:50-10:10: Recess 10:10-11:30: Math 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-12:45: Read Aloud 1:15-2:00: Science/Social St./ Art/Character Ed. 2:15: Dismissal
P.E. Schedule Library Schedule : Tuesday: 8:45-9:15 Computer Schedule Wednesday: 8:45-9:15 Thursday – 8:10 Friday – 9:05 (Please make sure your students wear tennis shoes.)
Expectations for all Lakeview Lions Be responsible for your own learning and behavior Be a problem solver; seek solutions Treat others with respect
Classroom Behavior Plan Positive Verbal Praise Cowboy “Cash” Notes/ s home Row Points Pride Cards Homework Passes Raffles “Bucket Fillers” Negative Warning (Stop Card*) Pull a card: yellow red Note/ to parents Recess Behavior Tickets Lakeview Referrals Class Thinking Sheet Visit to Principal *Bypass this step as behavior warrants
Behavior Log At the end of each day, students will fill in their behavior color. Parents need to initial daily.
Homework Homework will go home each Monday and is due back on Friday. Reading Log – read 15 minutes each day and complete log.
Curriculum Language Arts – Houghton Mifflin Math – Houghton Mifflin Science – FOSS Social Studies – Scott Foresman (California Standards Based)
Grades are based on… How well your child meets the California State Standards Standard scale used. i.e. 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, etc. His/her performance on: - Class work - District Assessments - Class Tests Homework (is an effort grade)
Assessments Reading Inventories: Mid/End of year Weekly Tests Quarterly Language Arts Tests (District Assessments) Key Math Standards Tests: (given after each skill has been taught) Math quizzes and tests
Special Reminders Students need to wait at the lunch benches – before school each day (not by classrooms) Volunteer Sign-up Earthquake packs/First Day Packets Birthdays Holiday parties sign-up Bookmark and note to students Movie permission slip
Communication is Key Daily Behavior Log Thinking Sheet Thursday Folder Parent Conference Progress Reports (Quarterly) Ways to reach me: Send a note. Write on Behavior Log. Phone: (714) Ext for other 1st grade teachers:
Ways to Help Your Child Read! Read! Read! (ask why and how questions for comprehension) Practice math facts (0-18: +/-) daily for 10 minutes (especially -) Review Red words and spelling rules daily Keep a daily journal or diary and encourage correct sentence structure. Reinforce good printing skills. Read! Read! Read!
Before you leave… Please make sure that you: signed in completed your bookmark wrote a note back to your child signed-up for conference time provided your address
Thanks for attending! Thanks for attending!