CDBG & HOME PROGRAMS HOME: To provide decent, safe and affordable housing and to alleviate the problems of excessive rent burdens, homelessness and deteriorating housing stock CDBG: To develop viable communities by providing decent housing, suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low to moderate income
CDBG ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES Activities related to real property acquisition, disposition, clearance and demolition; public improvements, community facilities Rehabilitation Owner-occupied, rental or business Historic Preservation Accessibility
CDBG ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES, cont. Renovation of vacant buildings Lead-based paint testing and abatement Activities related to economic development and job training Homebuyer Assistance Code enforcement Planning/Admin (limited to 20% of grant) Public Services (limited to 15% of grant)
HOME ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES Homeowner Rehabilitation Homebuyer Activities Rental Housing Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
FEDERAL REGULATIONS CDBG and HOME will trigger Federal regulations that may impact the timing and budget of your project
REGULATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH CDBG & HOME Conflict of Interest Environmental Regulations Davis Bacon – Labor Standards Debarred Contractors Relocation Lead Based Paint Section 3
MONITORING All projects will be monitored according to HUD regulations HOME projects are monitored on a HUD- established schedule CDBG monitoring program targets specific programs and activities each year
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT Requirement of all Federal programs to show outputs and outcomes Requirement to submit a performance measurement report at the end of the program year A report form will be provided to you
HOME & LONG-TERM AFFORDABILITY HOME activities require an affordability period The length of the affordability period for most HOME-assisted projects is 60 years Exception: Owner-Occupied Housing assisted with HOME funds does not require an affordability period
HOME FUNDS MATCH REQUIREMENT 25% non-federal match funds required Permanent contribution to affordable housing Non-Federal Only! Donations, Cash & Bonds Documented proof of match is required
Estimated Entitlement Amounts City of Gresham CDBG - $823,000 HOME - $381,000 Multnomah County CDBG - $274,977 Congressional appropriations for CDBG and HOME not yet approved Figures are tentative
GRESHAM CDBG FUNDS AVAILABLE City Council CDBG priorities are flexible ranges that guide the allocation process. Figures are based on estimated grant amounts & are subject to change. Estimated CDBG Entitlement823,000 Anticipated Section 108 Loan Payment - 85,000 20% Administration -165,000 15% Public Services -108,000 Remaining Funds 465,000 35% Public Facilities / Improvements 163,000 30% Housing Development & Rehabilitation* 139,000 30% Economic Development 139,000 5% Other 24,000 *Includes $7,000 set aside Rental Assistance Admin.
GRESHAM HOME FUNDS AVAILABLE Estimated HOME Entitlement 381,000 Administration - 39,000 Rental Assistance – Home Forward - 25,000 CHDO Operating Expenses – Human Solutions, Inc. (Community Housing Development Organization) - 25,000 Balance Available 292,000 Eligible uses for HOME Funds are Homeowner Rehabilitation, Homebuyer Activities, Rental Housing and Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA). The set asides shown are for administration and existing contracts. Figures are based on estimated grant amounts & are subject to change.
MULTNOMAH COUNTY FUNDS AVAILABLE Public Facilities Improvements$ 79,743 Housing Develop/Rehab 96,242 Public Services 41,247 Administration/Planning 54,995 Contingency 2,750 Total: $274,977 Amounts above are based on estimated grant amounts and are subject change!
GRESHAM APPLICATIONS 5 separate applications available on City Website: Housing (CDBG or HOME) CDBG Housing, Community Facilities, Public Improvements Developer-initiated Homeownership Program Economic Development Ongoing CDBG Public Services
APPLICATION BUDGET What will you use the funds for? Do not request reimbursement for something that was not identified in your application budget If you receive less funding than applied for, you will be required to submit a new budget to show the changes Budget needs to justify the amount of people being served
APPLICATION EVALUATION Project eligibility National objective City/County priority Degree of benefit Performance on previously funded projects Project readiness (timeliness) Additional funds leveraged Public Services – New or Measurable increase
GRESHAM TIMELINE FebruaryReview of Applications March 6-7CDHS Public Hearings March 15CDHS recommendation to Council Late March Notification of award recommendations May 7City Council Public Hearing July Program Year begins
MULTNOMAH COUNTY TIMELINE Feb-Mar Review of applications Mar 15 Policy Advisory Board (PAB) project review and recommendation Mar 14* Notified of award recommendations Mar 21* PAB Public Hearing May 9* County Commissioners Public Hearing/recommendations July Program Year begins * Dates are tentative
MULTNOMAH COUNTY APPLICATIONS There are 3 separate CDBG applications: Ongoing Public Services Housing Services application Public & Community Facilities Improvements application
MULTNOMAH COUNTY PROGRAM PRINCIPLES Agencies should provide information to clients to help them move toward greater self- sufficiency Agencies should help clients determine eligibility for related services Agencies should demonstrate financial resource development Program should assist with alleviation of causes or impacts of poverty
APPLICATION DEADLINE January 25 at 4:30 PM 1 bound original and 1 unbound copy per project Mail or hand deliver to: CITY:Jessica Struyk Gresham Community Revitalization 1333 NW Eastman Pkwy Gresham, OR COUNTY:Rose Bak Multnomah County 421 SW Oak St. Suite 200 Portland, OR 97204
ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE Gresham: Jessica Struyk Multnomah Rose Bak County: ext HUD: