Housing Capital Programme
How is work identified? Stock Condition Survey Structural Surveys Life-cycle replacement Proposals from Area Housing Teams Council priorities Government priorities
How is work funded? Annual contribution from tenants’ rents Prudential borrowing
Legislation Scottish Housing Quality Standard 2015 (SHQS) Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004 Energy Efficiency in Scottish Social Housing (EESSH) Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 – introduces the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
Energy Efficiency Most of stock meets energy efficiency requirements of SHQS Planned programme for multi storey stock to have energy efficient heating fitted by 2020 Introduction of “Energy Efficiency Standards for Social Housing” will require improvement on SHQS requirements.
Tenant Choice Kitchen Improvements Unit fronts Work tops Flooring vinyl (style) Paint colour (walls)
Tenant Choice Bathroom Improvements Aqua panel (style) Flooring vinyl (style) Paint colour (walls)
Tenant Choice Communal Works Where this is done it will be on a majority decision basis Stair upgrades Environmental improvements Crime prevention Structural repairs (where colour wash is applied)
Tenant Choice Community Engagement Regeneration proposals New build housing
Customer Satisfaction We intend to re-introduce surveys for the following programmes in 2013: Kitchen replacement Bathroom replacement Window replacement Door replacement Rewiring
Performance Management This is the role of the Council’s Contract Administrator or Contract Manager. Key performance indicators are included in major contracts to allow the Council to assess the contractor’s performance. Customer satisfaction surveys will also feed in to this.
What’s your view What type of work should the Council consult with tenants/residents about? How should consultation be undertaken? Who should do this?
Thankyou for listening