U.S. General Services Administration EPA New England Regional Laboratory Best Practices and Lessons Learned John F. Buckley, Project Manager
2 The EPA New England Regional Laboratory V. 1.0 LEED Gold Rating Lease Procurement and Project Management: GSA Region 1PBS for the Environmental Protection Agency Developer: Acquest Development, Buffalo, NY Owner: Istar Financial Architect: Bernard, Johnson, Young: Bethesda, MD General Contractor: Erland Construction, Burlington, MA
3 PROCUREMENT Two Step Best Value Source Selection Source Selection Pre – Planning Design Build Lease Performance Specification v. Prescriptive Specifications Very Technical Requirements Need Prescriptive Specifications
4 Design Process All Stakeholders Need to be Involved in the Design Process. Include the End User in the Design Review Process The Design Build Process Give Up Control No Contractual Relationship With the A/E or the General Contractor Require the Developer to Define Roles and Responsibilities & Communication Flow Understand the Nature of the Developers Contract Requirements Means of Influence Value Engineering
5 Design and Construction Integrated Design Approach Whole Building Design Guide Define & Clarify Lines of Communication Define Decision Makers AE Relationship Contingency
6 Site Optimization Building Orientation Take Advantage of: Natural Topography Positive Drainage Prevailing Sun Prevailing Winds Native Plants & Vegetation Xeriscaping Need to Build in Flexibility to Deal with Differing Sites Permitting Requirements
7 Security Considerations Integrate Security Landscaping Natural Contours Natural Berms Consider Camera Locations Employee and Visitor Access Utility Feeder Locations Redundancy in Critical Utility Systems Air Intake Location
8 Construction Waste Management Dumpsters Set up For Masonry, Steel, Wood, Cardboard, and Drywall. Savings Was Approximately $4,000 Used to Offset the Cost to Coordinate Construction Waste. Approximately 200 Tons of Construction Waste Diverted From Landfill
9 Envelope High Performance Envelope Pay Attention to Details Close Coordination of Disciplines Fenestration Roofing materials Consider a “Green Roof” Local Materials Recycled Materials
10 Mechanical Systems Life Cycle Costing in the Planning/ Funding Stages Right Sizing Expansion and Redundancy Requirements 6 Modular High Efficiency Boilers 2 Energy Efficient Screw Type Water Cooled Chillers W. Paired Cooling Towers and Pumps Back up Exhaust Fans Expansion Capability in BMS System
11 Mechanical Systems Modular Boilers Water Cooled Chillers VFDs on Pumps & Fans High Efficiency Motors Variable Air Volume Distribution Systems with VFD’s on Supply Exhaust Fans 2 Speed Motors on Cooling Towers Building Energy Management System via DDC BMS
12 Plumbing Low Flow Fixtures Electronic Sensors Waterless Urinals Minimum Hot Water Temps On Site Well for Labs DI Water System 60 – 90 Hardness System Chilled Water Acid Neutralization System Lab Waste Separate Sanitary Waste
13 Electrical Systems 2500 Amp Service Located in Main Electric Room 480/277 – 3 phase Expansion Capability in –Main Switchgear –Distribution Panels –Local Panel Boards Building Integrated Photovoltaic Sunshades 100% Green Power via Green Mountain Wind Power Emergency Power 600 KW Emergency Generator 150 kVA UPS for Main Computer Room
14 Utility Corridors Safety Provide Flexibility Utilities and Gas
15 Lighting Ambient Lighting 30 Foot Candles Task Lighting Automated Daylight Dimming Occupancy Sensors Electronic Ballasts T-8 Lamps Extensive Daylighting Ribbon and Punch Windows Domed Skylights in Corridors Solar Tubes
16 Daylighting Solar Tubes Ribbon Windows w/ BIPV Sunshades
17 Building Management System Siemens DDC BMS System HVAC Lab Functions/ Fume Hoods Monitoring of Alarms/ Safety Devices Fire Alarm Security Paging Systems Trending Remote Access and Control CO 2 Monitoring Compatibility of Systems
18 Interior Design Walls and Flooring Low VOC, Recycled Coatings and Wall Coverings Flooring and Ceiling Materials Adhesives and Sealants Systems Furniture Indoor Air Quality Coordinate with Disciplines Mechanical Systems Electrical Systems Lighting Systems Acoustic Considerations
19 Commissioning Testing and Balancing Total Building Commissioning Third Party Contract by the Government Coordinate Activities in the Schedule Integrate O&M Staff/ Contractor Vendor Time Support Labor
20 Closeout Insist on Timely Delivery of Closeout Documentation Warranties Vendor Start Up Documents and Sign Offs Operation and Maintenance Manuals As - Built Drawings Adequate Supply of Chemicals and Consumables Fuels Shelf Stock
21 EPA NERL T Thank You - Questions? The new regional laboratory in North Chelmsford, MA is a testament to our commitment to “walk the talk” in achieving a high level of performance in all of our daily operations. We hope that the benefits of the lab will extend beyond the lab itself, providing inspiration and a concrete example that others can follow and improve upon as new technologies become available.” - Robert Varney, Regional Administrator, EPA New England