Summer Work
Stuff Wot We Have Dun Reinstalled software on all curriculum PCs All admin PCs upgraded to Windows 7 Fixed wireless issues in English & Langs Upgraded to SOLUS3 for SIMS updates Installed Securus software Installed Smoothwall firewall
SIMS SOLUS 3 updater is now in use Your laptop will not update automatically until we have installed the client Most likely receive an incorrect database message
Securus Analyses input directly from PC and captures any inappropriate language or worrying patterns Includes slang and text speak Additional to standard filtering which only intercepts data that is transmitted via Internet
Smoothwall Internet filtering system Single login – no need for separate login to access Internet content
Internet All should be migrated by now Access via ISP change over at end of October – expect more disruption!
New Hardware New hardware will be purchased and upgraded over terms 1 & 2 as and when budgets become available Laptops LRC move from 40A to 40C
Passwords P:\Staff\Passwords\10k most common.txt In use by 99.8% of all users
Admin Home Page
Support Service Accounts Documentation and room booking credentials are initially set to the following pattern: User: Password: The help desk no longer requires a login
Support Centre
Resource Bookings
Staff Area Main Web Site Credentials for the staff area of the main school web site are: User: Password: