How to write an article? Suggestions based on APA manual Marianne Junger Cyber-crime science 1 [Mon13] A. L. Montoya Morales, M. Junger, and P. H. Hartel. How 'digital' is traditional crime? In European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), Uppsala, Sweden, Aug IEEE Computer Society.
Why are there standards? Cyber-crime science 2
Goal APA guidelines Standardize the description of research -> and the research itself! To monitor quality For al sorts of articles For all behavioral sciences Cyber-crime science 3 [APA08] APA Publications and Communications Board. Reporting standards for research in psychology: Why do we need them? what might they be? American Psychologist, 63(9): , Dec X / X [APA09] APA Publications and Communications Board. APPENDIX - journal article reporting standards (JARS), Meta- Analysis reporting standards (MARS), and flow of participants through each stage of an experiment or Quasi- Experiment. In Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, pages American Psychological Association, Jul
Think of it as a table Cyber-crime science 4 IntroductionMethodResultsDiscussion Background/ problem Sample that fits problem Idea 1/H 1MeasuresTable 1Conclusion on H1 Idea 2/H 2MeasuresTable 2Conclusion on H2 Idea 3/H 3MeasuresTable 3Conclusion on H2
Structure manuscript – APA style 1.Title page 2.Abstract 3.Introduction – includes literature review 4.Method 5.Results 6.Discussion 7.References 8.Appendices Cyber-crime science 5
1.Title Write a title in the same style as other titles for your chosen journal Mistakes to avoid »Trendy and cutesy titles are soon dated and will be embarrassing to have in your CV Cyber-crime science 6
2.Abstract This summarizes how you carried out your research and what you learned. »Consider structured abstracts (i.e., BMJ) Mistakes to avoid »Don’t go beyond what you establish in your paper, no non-significant results, no speculation, no telegraphic style, stay within the word count limit. Cyber-crime science 7
3.Introduction Background, introduce problem Aim: »Why is study important? »Why is it unique? Describe solution/issue 1 from literature –Describe problems/omissions in (1). –Formulate goals study in relation to (1) Describe solution/issue 2, etc …. Conclusion: goal study Emphasize originality Cyber-crime science 10
3.Introduction Minimum of four paragraphs »General introduction »Literature review »Connection of the present study to the literature »Explicit statement of purpose Cyber-crime science 11
3. Introduction, literature review The conflicting goals »Comprehensiveness versus brevity Include all relevant citations »Methods, Procedures & Results Mistakes to avoid: personal favorites Cyber-crime science 12
4. METHOD Goal: duplication your research with another sample Mistakes to avoid Any suboptimal aspect of your methods should be followed by “see the Limitations section” and deal with it there. Do not try to hide or disguise poor methods, experienced reviewers will pounce! Cyber-crime science 13
4. METHOD Design, sample, participants Sampling procedure » or experimental procedure Measures Dependent variables Independent variables Co-variates (sex, age, …) Analyses Cyber-crime science 14
5.RESULTS Structure according to hypotheses Present findings, and only the findings Mistakes to avoid »This section lends itself to over-writing & underwriting »To give undo weight to non-significant results Cyber-crime science 15
6.Discussion - conclusion Brief summary of problem & goal study Evaluate and interpret the results, especially with respect to the original research question Implications of the results (policy) Limitations of study (design/method) Strong points of study Conclusion of main finding(s) Cyber-crime science 16
7.References According tot APA style or another system Try a reference manager, like Endnote Cyber-crime science 17
Language Objective writing style No sexist, racists language Impersonal style, »no ‘We’ or “I’ Cyber-crime science 18
Most paragraphs have a three-part structure Claim: ’topic sentence’ »And other sentences that give background information or provide a transition Evidence: This is how you support, or back up, your claims »Discusses the controlling idea, using facts, arguments, analysis, examples, and other information »Evidence will help to "prove" each claim to the reader Analysis/Concluding Observation »It should explain why the evidence supports your claim and why this supports the main thesis in your paper »Summarizes connections between the information discussed in the body of the paragraph and the paragraph’s controlling idea Cyber-crime science 19
Check with this table Cyber-crime science 20
Clear writing Active voice: As a general rule, use the active voice rather than the passive voice »For example, use "We predicted that..." rather than "It was predicted that...“ Literature: Place content first »Write “'self-control is related to crime (Gottfredson & Hischi 1990)” instead of “according to Gottfredson & Hischi (1990) is self-control is related to crime” unless you want to emphasize authorship” Cyber-crime science 21
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Fill in for your project Intro- duction MethodResultsDiscussion Background/pr oblem Idea 1/H 1 Idea 2/H 2 Idea 3/H 3 Cyber-crime science 28