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Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International. To build my home, school, and community. To serve my nation and God. And to COMBAT ALL FORCES WHICH TENDS TO UNDERMINE THESE INSTITUTIONS!
Upcoming Service Events
Powder Puff Game December 10 th 4:30-7 pm Powder Puff Game needs help with organizing teams/ directing traffic, and working concessions! powder powder
Kids in Action Breakfast w/ Santa Saturday, December 12 th 8am -10 am Need help with crafts and serving hot cocoa and pastries! For more info please contact: Ashleigh at
Vision Source Project Grad Car Wash Saturday, December 12 th 10 am- 2 pm (Split in 2 hour shifts) 15 volunteers per shift needed! 9-project 9-project
Houston Marathon Sunday, January 17 th 6-9 am KPHS Project Grad needs help with setting up and distributing Gatorades and waters, and cleaning up! nteer.aspx?code=KPHS&eid=8&JScript=1 nteer.aspx?code=KPHS&eid=8&JScript=1 Register by 12/30!
Volunteering Commitment If you sign up for something, YOU are obligated to fulfill that commitment. If something last minute comes up, please try to un- sign up for that event. If it is a Key Club service project, please let the head of that project know. DO NOT sign up for an event that you are unsure about attending. Service opportunities rely on the volunteers to make everything successful!
Points All 12 points for the semester are due at the January 5 th meeting! Please do not wait until the last minute to turn in your points! It is a hassle on our Service VP Officer! If you need to turn in points, come to Mrs. Weir’s (room 2508) during den to give points to Joceline. To check out how many points you have, please look for the spreadsheet on the Key Club Webpage! I will send a remind for any other service events that come up!
Member of the Month Congratulations to Brannon Hautanen! Worked Fall Frenzy decorating, Fall Frenzy, and attending both meetings of the month! Thank you for your member activeness!
Stay Updated! Remind 101: to Key Club Webpage Under student activities page