Inclusion in Germany Stuttgart Wolfbuschschule
Germany This picture shows the stages of development in the german school system. As you can see in the Exclusion, in former times people with disabilties were excluded. Since the 19th century disabled children were taught in „Sonderschulen“ (special schools for special needs education), there was a Separation. There are types of Integration, were the disabled are taken into the community, but have to follow the guidelines of the majority. Contrary to the Inclusion, were all pupils are working together on the solution of exercises.
UN-Convention to the rights of persons with disabilities 2006 „States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. With a view to realizing this right without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity, States Parties shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and life long learning…“ Quelle: UN-Konvention 2006, Artikel 24, Absatz 1, Satz 2
Basic structure of the German education system:
Germany Among the children who are educated in specific schools for special educational needs (Förderschulen), the vast majority attends a school type which is concerned with general learning difficulties. Small percentages are educated in specific schools which are dedicated to physical disadvantages (Sehen= defective sight; Hören = [partially] deaf; Sprache = speech disorders; körperliche Entwicklung = motorical disorders; Geistige Entwicklung = mentally disordered). Also small is the percentage of children who visit specific schools for emotional disorders.
Germany In 2009 Germany ratified the UN-convention and committed itself to the Inclusion in the school system. Education is in the responsibility of the Länder (federated states). The commitment to offer equality of educational opportunities is detectable in every relevant preamble clause, such as the education legislations of the federated states. Because of the Convention parents have the right of getting inclusion for their disabled child with in a regular school and day-care centres. Which means inclusion is compulsory for every school. The map shows the progress of Inclusion (number of children with special education needs who are taught at a regular school) in the several parts of Germany. There are big differences in the percentages of Inclusion. That is also because there is a different interpretation of which children are counting to the group of special education needs. Other reasons are financial issues and capacities at schools the percentage of inclusion of children with special needs for complete Germany was 22,3%, which are students. The progress of Inclusion is achieved best in the day-care centres (68% of children with special needs are included, when it comes to secondary schools it´s only 17,2 %.) That´s why many children have to switch to a special school after the primary school.
Stuttgart Außenklassen (external class) are classes of special schools which are established in a regular school and are attached to a partner class. The intention is to have a high percentage of lessons together. ISEP (integrative school developement projects) Einzelintegration (single integration) There are single integrations of students with special needs education in regular schools, with and without Integrationassistants. Generally these are students which can be taught with the same aims. (e.g. with defective sight, partially deaf, motorical disorders or chronical sickness).
Stuttgart Einzelinklusion (single inclusion) Stuttgart is 1 of 5 center regions in Baden-Württemberg Lessons with different aims to achieve are possible. Students with learning difficulties or mental disorders are taught independent from the aims of the form. The students with special needs are still counted as students of the special school, which means a class can be bigger than provided. The capabilities have to be established individually. For pedagogical and financial reasons the ministry of education favours group- instead of singlesolutions. The Two-teacher-system can be established easier.
Wolfbuschschule In this schoolyear there are 2 students with inclusive needs. Luca, 8 years old, class 2b, has muscular dystrophy A teacher from the school for children with physical disabilities is at school for 6 hours per week and gives advice to the teachers and parents. He has an assistant who helps him with everyday live, but is also responsible and a helping hand for the other children in class. The education authority is working very slow and is not helping with structural arrangements or facilities. (e.g. a ramp for the wheelchair, elevator, etc.) Next year there will be another student in a wheelchair.