Lesson 2 Heartbeat
1 P.49 L.1~5 3 P.50 L.1~8 4 P.50 L.9~17 8 P.52 L.1~5 7 P.51 L.7~10 6 P.51 L.1~6 12 P.53 L.1~5 11 P.52 L.13~16 10 P.52 L.10~13 9 P.52 L.5~9 5 P.50 L.17~20 2 P.49 L.5~9
13 P.53 L.5~10 14 P.53 L.10~13
Heartbeat August 3 Today, Sarah, the girl I like, saw me playing soccer / with my shirt off / and said something / about [how skinny I am]. I never minded my nickname before, but now I do. My friends call me “heartbeat” / because they say [they could actually see my heart beating / in my chest.] 1 = 동격 목적격 보어 ( 현재분사 ) 지각동사 명사절 ( 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ) 셔츠를 벗은 채 that 목적격 보어 ( 현재분사 ) 지각동사
I’ve always been skinny. Everyone assumes / [I’m weak] / despite the fact that I’m a good athlete. It shocked me / when Sarah called me “heartbeat.” I acted / as if I didn’t care, but silently I decided to change my body. I can’t stay this way forever! I’ll do everything within my power to get bigger. 2 현재완료 ( 계속 ) that Call A B: A 를 B 라고 부르다 to 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 = being skinny 부사적 용법의 to 부정사 ( 목적 ) = 동격
September 12 I am very frustrated! All summer, I’ve been doing countless push-ups and lifting weights / until I can’t bend my arms. I’ve had protein shakes, egg whites and cheese. I’ve been forcing myself to eat as much as three heavy men, but nothing is working. I weigh myself constantly, and I’m still not gaining weight. 3 have/has + been+ v-ing: 현재완료 진행 ··· 할 때까지 to 부정사를 목적격 보어로 취하는 동사 ··· 만큼 많이
October 29 I can’t believe [what happened today]! It’s amazing! My problems are finally over! Sarah said the magic words: “Have you been working out, Dave? You look bigger.” I went home and looked in the mirror. I did look bigger! Then I realized the reason. I was wearing two T-shirts. 4 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사 what 강조 (do/does/did + 동사원형 ) be over: 끝나다
It was just an illusion, but that doesn’t matter! I’ve come across the simplest solution to looking bigger. I feel like I’ve been born again. 5 우연히 발견하다최상급전치사 + 동명사구 ··· 인 것 같다
October 30 I went to school / wearing two T-shirts / under my sweater today. I felt solid and confident. November 4 Today, I wore three T-shirts under my shirt. I looked bigger, and it made me happy. 6 분사구문 (··· 한 채로 ) 동사 + 목적어 + 목적격 보어 (5 형식 구문 )
November 8 Today, I wore five T-shirts. I could tell [my classmates looked at me differently]. Sarah gave me a look (I’ve never seen before), as if she felt safer around me. 7 that 마치 ··· 인 것처럼
December 5 Tonight was the worst night ever! I went to a party at a friend’s house. It’s winter, but I stayed outside / because it was too hot inside. Being inside the house / felt like being in a sauna, but Sarah was in the living room, so I headed that way. We were talking / and she noticed [that I was sweating]. 8 동명사구 ( 주어 ) 동명사구 ( 전치사의 목적어 ) 동사 비인칭 주어
She probably thought [I was nervous talking to her] and thought [it was sweet]. In reality, I was about to pass out / because I was wearing four T-shirts and two long shirts / under my wool sweater! She touched my arm and asked me [how many layers I was wearing]. I made some excuse and left the room in a hurry. 9 that be about to: 막 ··· 하려고 하다 명사절 ( 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ) make an excuse: 변명을 하다
“Abandon ship, abandon ship!” I told myself. I ran to the bathroom. My arms were heavy / as I pulled off the shirts; just lifting them exhausted me. I had to stop and rest. I slowly took off all the shirts and hid them in the closet. I put my sweater back on / without anything under it. 10 ··· 할 때 주어 ( 동명사구 ) 동사 have to: ··· 해야 한다 take off: ( 옷을 ) 벗다 put on: ( 옷을 ) 입다
Relieved of the weight of all those layers (I’d been wearing), I felt light and free again. I suddenly realized [what I really looked like at the party] — a sad ball of clothing. 11 Having been 분사구문 (= As I was relieved...) that had + been + v-ing: 과거완료 진행
December 6 Oops! I just realized [that I left my clothes back at the party last night]. That’s okay, / because my days of wearing extra layers / are finally over. If Sarah had fallen in love with the “bigger” me, she wouldn’t like me anymore / as soon as she found out [I was faking it]. 12 동사 ··· 하자마자 that 혼합 가정법 ( 조건절 : had p.p.) ( 주절 : 조동사의 과거형 ) 주어
Besides, winter isn’t going to last forever, and I can’t wear as many layers in the spring. I’d look like a sheep with its wool shaved off. From now on, I am going to just be the real me. December 12 Okay, so I’m really skinny. So what? That doesn’t make me upset. It’s just the way (I was born). 13 as many...: 같은 수만큼의 ······ 인 것 같이 보이다 with + 명사 + 분사 : 부대상황을 나타내는 독립분사구문 그래서 어쩌란 말인가 ? 내가 매우 말랐다는 것
14 There’s another party tonight, and my friends will pick me up. I don’t know [what to wear], so I’ve laid four different shirts out on the bed. I still haven’t decided on one. Hmm. It’s snowing again. Maybe I’ll wear all of them — just for today. what to-v: 무엇을 ··· 해야 할지 pick up: ··· 를 ( 차에 ) 태우다 lay out: ··· 를 펼치다, 진열하다 decide on: ··· 으로 정하다