Frostbite Chilblain and Trench foot
Frostbite Frostnip Mild Frostbite Severe Frostbite The actual freezing of tissue due to exposure to sub freezing temperatures Frostnip Top Layer of skin affected, little permanent damage, redness, swelling Mild Frostbite Superficial, swollen skin, some clear blistering Severe Frostbite Deep, purple and black blistering, destruction of skin, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and even bones
Areas that are most affected include Why? What leads to frostbite? Hands, feet, ears, cheeks, face Why? What leads to frostbite? Increased exposure from: Cold wind Fatigue Hypothermia Dehydration Alcohol and Drug use
Steps from mild to severe: Biting cold feeling, some numbness, red and puffy skin More puffy, violet coloration, hard wooden feeling develops, skin yellow-white in color Rose coloration, blisters, appear, skin is shiny Blisters break, tissue peels back, bluish appearance of tissue Blisters dry, blacken appearance, infections or gangrene, amputation is usually necessary
What is happening? Tissue is actually freezing, forming ice crystals in the cells. Expanding ice breaks cells (Lysis) or push extra fluid into intercellular spaces (Edema) Cells that live have slowed metabolism because of cold Cells may die later because blood vessels have been broken (bluish color)
How do I fix it? Prevention: Don’t expose your skin to extreme cold (wind chills) Layer clothing Cover high risk areas Stay dry Avoid risk factors Treatment only if there is no chance the area will refreeze. - Thawing and refreezing can cause cells to use up any reserves they have and introduce more water to expand in cells that may have been safe
Treatment for Frostbite Warm slowly in warm water(100-108 degrees) Don’t puncture blisters (Why a higher risk of infection?) Don’t rub affected areas (Why?) Seek medical attention (leaches) Process will be very painful (Why?)
Chilblain-exposure to dry cold conditions, tissue does not freeze, clear, whitish, or yellow blisters form
Trench Foot-exposure to cold wet conditions, name came from WW1
Areas that have been frostbit before are more susceptible to getting frostbit again (Why?) Frostbite is a local injury due to the direct action of cold below 0°C for a non specific period of time. Frostbite injuries are usually classified in three (or four) degrees of severity according to their clinical aspect and evolution
Stay warm out there!