STFC in INDIGO DataCloud WP3 INDIGO DataCloud Kickoff Meeting Bologna 22-24 April 2015 Ian Collier


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Presentation transcript:

STFC in INDIGO DataCloud WP3 INDIGO DataCloud Kickoff Meeting Bologna April 2015 Ian Collier

STFC The Science and Technology Facilities is one seven UK research councils –STFC is a funding agency –STFC runs large scientific facilities Telescopes Particle physics Computing Scientific Computing Department –UK Tier 1 Centre at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Ian Collier coordinating INDIGO work –Other staff to be determined

STFC – RAL Tier 1 WLCG Tier 1 –13K core batch system (HTCondor & ARC CE) –12PB online disk storage (Castor) –13PB custodial (tape) storage –Run global & national services FTS3,CVMFS Stratum 0 & Stratum 1 Scientific Computing Cloud –1000 core OpenNebula private cloud 1PB (raw) Ceph cloud backend –Several PB ceph cluster testing grid storage –Developing shared use of batch & cloud on same physical resources –Bringing first external users online

Task T3.1: Software quality assurance –Particular focus on ensuring the security of the proposed solutions offered by INDIGO NOT a line by line audit Rather ensuring security & traceability considerations are built in at all levels –STFC has deep experience to draw upon in this area leads EGI Security tasks Currently leading WLCG cloud traceability WG

Task T3.3: Pilot Services Building on experience –Running a WLCG Tier 1 –Engaged in staged rollout & early adopter activities –Recent work integrating private cloud resources into our production grid site –Cloud platform (which can be expanded into our much larger batch system) explicitly available for pilot deployment WLCG workload permitting can potentially be temporarily expanded to entire T1 CPU resource
