Your child has been nominated by a teacher in a subject for the following reasons: High performing in a particular subject. Has shown leadership in lessons. Wide range of general knowledge. Outstanding imagination and creativity. Challenges ideas and finds solutions.
Raise attainment of HAT students. Consistent identification of all HAT students across school. Ensure students are challenged to their capability. To raise aspirations for HAT students.
HAT register has been created for all identified students. All staff and teaching assistants has received training. Impact: Staff now plan and deliver lessons to suit the needs of HAT students. Seating plans and planners indicate HAT students. Lessons and homework are differentiated to maximise learning potential.
Super Challenge: Can you include any of the following words: Ambitious Development Luxurious Economy Infrastructure Identify the things in this photo that would attract tourists. Describe how Dubai attracts tourists to come and visit through its adventurous hotels. Explain how luxury tourism is better for Dubai than its old economic function. Learning Outcomes
Group To make good progress meet these success criteria To make outstanding progress meet these success criteria 1.To use titration data to successfully calculate question 1 2.Suggest how you would use a titration to calculate the purity of a substance 3.To successfully solve at least one back titration calculations 1.Use titration data to successfully calculate question 2 2.To successfully solve two back titration calculations, one in a team, one on my own 1.Use titration data to successfully calculate question 2 2.Suggest how you would use a titration to calculate the purity of a substance 3.To use the data given to calculate the purity of magnesium hydroxide 4.To successfully solve two back titration calculations, one in a team, one on my own 1.Use titration data to successfully calculate question 3 2.To successfully solve two back titration calculations, one in a team, one on my own 1.Use titration data to successfully calculate question 3 2.To recommend a method to calculate the concentration of a substance which does not react easily with an acid or base 3.To successfully solve two back titration calculations, one in a team, one on my own 1.Use titration data to successfully calculate extension question 2.To attempt to solve the challenge questions Learning Outcomes
Measure performance to ensure consistency across HAT students. Curriculum changes at GCSE to ensure HAT students maximise their learning potential. Impact: Ensure all HAT students are making outstanding progress with individual intervention plan if required. Regular ‘learning walks’ have taken place to ensure all staff are supporting HAT students in each lesson. Curriculum now offers opportunity for students to take their options in year 8.
Raised awareness of HAT policy through school website to inform parents. Use of the website to celebrate success of HAT students. Impact: Aspirations raised through celebratory events. HAT students may have the opportunity to complete further leadership qualifications.
Setting up a range of partnerships with prestigious universities and colleges. Liaising with careers advisors. HAT News letter. Working with local Primary Schools.