Topic: Heat and Heat Transfer PSSA: C / S8.C.2.1
Objective: TLW define heat. TLW describe the three methods of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation). TLW differentiate between conductors and insulators.
MI #1: What is Heat? Heat is the energy that is transferred between objects that are different temperatures. Thermal energy is the total kinetic energy of a substance’s atoms. -Thermal energy is dependant on the substance’s temperature and how much of the substance there is.
MI #2: Transferring Thermal Energy When objects have different temperatures, thermal energy is transferred from the warmer object to the colder object until both have the same temperature.
MI #3: Methods of Heat Transfer Conduction – heat transfer through direct contact between objects. Convection – heat transfer by the circulation or movement of a fluid Radiation – heat transfer via electromagnetic waves
MI #4: Conductors vs. Insulators Thermal conductors are material through which energy can be transferred as heat. Insulators are materials that reduce or prevent heat transfer
MI #5: Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity is the rate at which a substance conducts thermal energy. Some materials, like metals, have a high thermal conductivity, while others, like cloth, have a low thermal conductivity. This means that a pan and a cloth can be the same temperature, but the pan will feel hotter because it conducts heat energy more rapidly.
MI #6: Specific Heat Specific heat is the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1°C. The higher the specific heat of a material, the more energy that is required to increase its temperature. Water has a high specific heat.
So What…? Real Life Application Understanding heat and heat transfer allows us to better understand weather, home heating systems, insulation, etc.