Kansas College and Career Readiness Curriculum Sub-Committee Members Dr. David Conrady Carlos Gomez Jody Winfrey Jennifer Siverstein Lynne Ruschill
Guiding Question: Where are 6 th grade students in SMSD best served? This sub-committee considered: Current core and elective offerings in SMSD Current core and elective offerings in SMSD Curriculum alignment and textbooks Teacher professional development and collaboration Financial impact
Comparison of Core Courses Elementary Reading/ELA* – 120 min/day Math* – 60 min/day Science – 45 min/day Social Studies – 45 min/day 2 – 20 min recess/day min specials/day * Includes daily min. targeted learning Middle School min class periods/day min class periods/day core classes include- Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and ½ year of PE. 2.5 credits of electives Advanced courses offered in ELA, Math and Science
Current elective offerings in elementary school Required Specials Music – 60 min/week Art – 60 min/week PE – 60 min/week Library – 50 min/week Gifted Education* – 1 day/week at separate center * Students identified w/ Gifted IEP Optional Electives Pre-Algebra – 35 min/day before school Choir – 60 min/week before or after school Band – 60 min /week Orchestra – 60 min/week
Student electives in middle school The current middle school model offers students choices in over 20 different course offerings in: Computers, Family & Consumer Science, World Languages, Fine Arts and STEM courses All classes are 52 minutes and meet within the school day Specific Reading & Math Workshop courses for targeted support
Other models for 6 th grade electives The committee visited Blue Valley & Olathe schools to see what opportunities 6 th grade students. Students take an exploratory survey of different electives that rotate every 6-9 weeks. Survey courses included: Computers application ArtFACSRobotics Study Skills Vocal Music
Teacher Development Regardless of the location of 6 th grade students, teacher professional development and collaboration will continue to be a focus of the district. KCCR curriculum is arranged in 6-8 grade configuration. Additional collaboration would be available to teachers via grade level and vertical teaming in a middle school setting. Teaching staff will be able to specialize in content areas; focusing professional development and planning time on fewer content areas. Offering more rigorous instruction.
Curriculum Alignment The SMSD is currently re-aligning subject areas curricula to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards and District initiatives. The alignment of the curriculum will have a minimal impact on the decision.
Interdisciplinary teams or departmentalization? Interdisciplinary teams or departmentalization? There can be the best of both worlds… Teachers could specialize in their content knowledge (departmentalization) and teachers work as teams with blocks of students. The district, as a whole, is moving toward interdisciplinary curricular design that will benefit either configuration.
Financial Impact The financial impact would not have a significant impact if 6 th grade were to stay in elementary or move to the middle school.
Student Achievement There is little research showing student achievement is significantly different in a K-6 setting or 6-8 grade setting.
If 6th grade were... Transitioned to a 6-8 Grade middle school configuration Students could have more opportunity to participate in regular and advanced level courses. Students below grade level in math or reading have dedicated courses to target interventions without missing core subjects. Students would have access to specialized classrooms for science, FACS, STEM, etc.
If 6th grade were... Courses such as pre-algebra, gifted education and choir would be provided during the school day within home building providing equal access to all students. Band, orchestra and choir and opportunities would increase from 60 min/week to 260 min/week.
Where are 6 th grade students best served in SMSD? The great opportunity before our community is the chance to design the curriculum, schedule, structure and setting that best serves students in SMSD!
Curriculum Sub Committee Handout View handout at K5Q27FM7 K5Q27FM7