Holly Hedegaard, MD, MSPH National Center for Health Statistics Office of Analysis and Epidemiology Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Conference June 21, 2013 National Center for Health Statistics Office of Analysis and Epidemiology Hospital-Based Injury Surveillance: Tools, Resources and Concepts
Overview Resources and partners Local data on injury hospitalizations ─Data from hospital billing departments ─Trauma registry data National data on injury hospitalizations ─Web-based Injury and Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) ─Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
Resources and Partners The Injury Prevention Program at your state or local public health department Trauma registrars at hospitals Universities or schools of public health; Injury Control Research Centers National organizations ─Safe States Alliance ─CDC, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Useful Tools Consensus Recommendations for Using Hospital Discharge Data for Injury Surveillance /files/HospitalDischargeData.pdf
Local Data on Injury Hospitalizations
Data from Hospital Billing Departments Based on the 2004 Universal Billing form (UB-04) May be available for both ED visits and hospital discharges Includes basic information on: ─Patient demographics (e.g., age, sex) ─Diagnoses ─Cause of injury ─Procedures ─Hospital charges
Data from Hospital Billing Departments Diagnoses, causes of injury and procedures are coded using the ICD-9-CM ─Change to ICD-10-CM in October 2014 Tools for creating standard groups ─Barell Matrix, for injury diagnoses ─ICD-9-CM External Cause Matrix, for causes of injury
Hospitalizations for Children Ages 4-8 Injured as an Occupant in a Motor Vehicle Crash, Colorado A B C D Relevant Colorado Child Passenger Safety Laws for 4-8 Year Olds A Children under age 16 required to use seatbelts/car seats in front and back seats, primary enforcement. B Children must be in a seating position with a seatbelt/car seat available. C Children 4- or 5-years-old, unless > 55 inches tall, must ride in a booster seat, secondary enforcement. D Children ages 6-7 must ride in a booster seat. Relevant Colorado Child Passenger Safety Laws for 4-8 Year Olds A Children under age 16 required to use seatbelts/car seats in front and back seats, primary enforcement. B Children must be in a seating position with a seatbelt/car seat available. C Children 4- or 5-years-old, unless > 55 inches tall, must ride in a booster seat, secondary enforcement. D Children ages 6-7 must ride in a booster seat.
Trauma Registry Data Collected by trauma nurses and registrars Often based on the National Trauma Data Standards Additional information collected ─ Clinical data ─ Use of protective devices
Selected Mechanisms of Injury, by Age Data from the National Trauma Data Bank Pediatric Annual Report 2010
National Data on Injury Hospitalizations
Web-based Injury and Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data are obtained from a sample of hospital emergency departments and analyzed to provide national estimates Includes ED visits and hospitalizations that result from ED visits On-line query system
5 Leading Causes of Non-fatal Injury for Children Treated and Released from the ED By Age Group, US, 2011 Rank< Fall Struck by/ Against* 2 Fall 3Other bite/sting + Overexertion 4Foreign body Cut/pierce MV Occupant 5Fire/burnOverexertion Pedal cyclistPhysical Assault *Accidentally struck by or struck against a person or object, including in sports + Bite or sting, not including dog bites
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Hospital discharge data from 44 states Can provide national estimates on injury hospitalizations and ED visits Several on-line query systems, one specific to kids ─ Pediatric age groups are pre-set ─ Need to have an understanding about ICD codes ─
Percent of Children Ages < 17 with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) admitted to the hospital from the ED ICD-9-CM codes for TBI: , , , , From the National Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), HCUPnet at
Suggestions for Getting Started Identify people who can help Learn a little bit about the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for injury On-line tools for national estimates
Questions? Holly Hedegaard, MD, MSPH Office of Analysis and Epidemiology National Center for Health Statistics 3311 Toledo Rd. Hyattsville, MD Phone:
Injury Surveillance In Connecticut
Data in Connecticut What we have How we share it What we can do with it
Our set up Safe Kids Connecticut is a program of the Injury Prevention Center (IPC) IPC has 10 hour per week GIS Research Assistant (RA) to run geo-spatial analysis (including making maps) and run data Money for RA and to purchase data comes out of IPC money
Our statewide resources Dept of Public Health (DPH) – No longer has Injury Prevention section Lost funding 2011 Previously had injury data and ran CODES project Dept of Transportation (DOT) – Has some data, but MV only Poison Control Center – Has some data, but Poison only
Statewide Resources (cont’d) Office of the Child Advocate – Runs Connecticut Child Fatality Review Panel which reviews all unexpected and unexplained child deaths – Runs special analysis upon request – Detailed information on topics like safe sleep – We do not have access to the data but do to the detailed analysis
Data we have – Purchased Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) – Emergency Department visits – Hospitalizations – Deaths (that occur in a hospital or are processed through a hospital) DPH - Vital Records – CT Death Certificate Files – $10/year
Data we have - Free DOT Crash file – Requires extensive formatting and processing of the data Medical Examiner Data – Must request yearly – Specific Causes (Firearm and Drowning)
Data Limitations Data Cleaning – Almost all data we receive (including CHA) requires extensive data formatting processing Time Lag – We generally have a 2 to 3 year data lag Example: Just now requesting 2011 and 2012 data Hard to compare long periods of time – Ex) CT Death cert data , but change in ICD9 to ICD10 makes long term analysis difficult
Data Limitations E-Codes make certain information hard to get – Motor vehicle crash info? Yes! – Bike crash info? No… (only if they crashed into MV) Based on cause of injury, rather than consumer product – Bikes – Batteries – Crib bumpers
Sharing data Due to our agreements, we share the analysis of the data, not the raw data We share data via: – ED Injury books for our local Safe Kids – Reports (Drowning, violent death) – Requests
ED data books Updated when we get new data from CHA Data books started 1995 and ends 2010 We give all unintentional injury data for kids 19 and under by 5 year age groups Data broken down by county (8) and then total for the state We collapse and expand categories as needed Given to each local Safe Kids organization
Safe Kids in CT are not county based
Example from Data Book
How we use our data Media – Lots of requests for local data Especially with national reports Stories we pitch to them – Posts for our Facebook page – Social media for our lead organization
How we use our data Grants – Statewide data – Local data for local foundations – Mapped data – Safe Kids Worldwide
Educational material
Questions? Karen Brock Gallo, MPH Safe Kids Connecticut
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Using E-Coded Data in the Pediatric Emergency Department Rennie Ferguson, MHS, CPH Safe Kids Worldwide 36
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Objectives Purpose of E-coding Why it isn’t used more often Hospital-based injury surveillance Components of a successful injury surveillance system 37
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Injury surveillance systems Provide information on populations susceptible to injury, types of injuries, and factors that put people at increased risk How well interventions are working Successful systems require: Simplicity Flexibility Acceptability Reliability Utility Sustainability Timeliness 39
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 What is E-coding? International Classification of Diseases external causes of injury and poisoning codes Provide information about mechanism, location and intentionality of the injury 40
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Design of literature review 2 sets of search criteria: E-coding in the PED Injury surveillance by the PED PubMed, PubMed Central, Google Scholar CINAHL, EMBASE, Academic Search Elite Exclusion criteria 41
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Findings 111 sources identified E-coding in the PED: 2 reports met criteria Non-E-coding PED injury surveillance: 5 reports met criteria 42
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Common challenges Insufficient chart information (n=4) Incompleteness of questionnaires by physicians (n=2) Bias toward more severe cases (n=1) 46
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Reduce the burden Earlier systems: “flagging” injury cases, questionnaires, assigning clinical staff to enter data Economic and resource burden Electronic charting 47
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Practicality Usefulness in tracking health outcome of interest Falls (n=2) Relevant by tailoring questions Ease of use for hospital trauma education coordinators and others 48
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Ensuring data quality Little published research on quantifying the accuracy of E-codes Outside of PED—ranged from 64-85% (McKenzie 2009) Need for more research on feasibility, quality, and utility of individual hospital PED injury surveillance systems Role of triage nurses, parents in improved E- coding 49
CHILDHOOD INJURY PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2013 Funding Preparation of this research was supported by Cooperative Agreement 5R49CE from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The contents of this presentation are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 50