Please take one of each handout on the front table. (this includes the candy too! )
Welcome to Team Viper: The Red Vipers We are excited about a wonderful school year with your child!
Team Viper Teachers
Team Leader Mrs. Lee Please contact if you: have information for all teachers. would like to schedule a team meeting. Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:00 are our target days for parent meetings. Contact information: Phone: ext. 2442
Global Studies Ms. Price Room 132 Supplies: 1 Set of colored pencils Composition notebook Folder Highlighter Paper and writing utensil
Science Mr. Ryan Wiley Room 105 Supplies: 1 Science Journal (composition notebook) 3-Ring binder Dividers for binder Paper
English Mrs. Cochran Room 102 Supplies Writing Utensils 2 notebooks Highlighter Post–its folder
Math Mrs. Sarah Lee Room 104 Supplies: Folder Calculator Pencils!!! Loose-Leaf paper
Co-Teacher in English and Math Ms. Alyssa Huffman Room 101 Supplies Passport Writing utensil
English Lab Mrs. Tina LePage For materials, please see her for more information. Room 321
Additional School Supplies Needed ALL CLASSES: Loose leaf paper Plenty of blue or black pens Plenty of #2 pencils (mechanical preferred) Highlighters Facial tissue – 3 boxes to share amongst the team teachers Dry Erase Markers Please make sure your child’s supplies are replenished throughout the year.
Passport Students should be recording assignments daily. This is an excellent place to start if students have missing assignments. “But I don’t have any homework.” -- check Passport or our webpages. Students should be reading at home daily.
Team Tardy Policy Tardy to Class: The teachers start class promptly, and the students should be in their seats and doing their bell ringers on-time. After two tardies to one class, they will serve a lunch detention. After 3 tardies, they will serve an after school detention After 4-5 tardies, a Friday School is assigned. After 6, administration will take over. The teachers collect and grade homework that is turned in on-time. We will discuss our homework policy next.
Team Homework Policy 1. All work is due according to each teacher’s procedure. 2. Homework is expected to be turned in at the beginning of class. 3. When work is not completed on time, student will stay in teacher’s classroom for his/ her next lunch period. Student’s name will remain on the “Lunch Bunch” list in the classroom until the work is turned in. The student has 15 minutes to report to the teacher’s classroom. If the student is not in the classroom within 15 minutes of dismissal from their 3 rd period, then he/she will serve the following day. 4. If “Lunch Bunch” is skipped, the student will be allowed to come the next day. However, if “Lunch Bunch” is skipped a second time, the student will receive an After School Detention. 5. If an After School Detention is skipped, the administrators will determine the further consequences.
Viper Bucks The students can earn rewards and prizes for doing positive acts at school. At the end of each quarter, we are going to have a V.I.C. – tory Celebration (Very Impressive Choices). To earn an opportunity to go to the V.I.C. – tory Celebration, the students must pay $50 Viper Bucks to attend.
Viper Bucks $3 - gum, sucker or jolly rancher $5 – Prize box or buy classroom materials (pens, pencils, book, handouts) $5 – get items from impound (each item) $10 – Five minutes free time in SEEK at teacher’s discretion $10 – Prize box $10 – Candy bar or snack $15 – Buy out of one “Lunch Bunch” – Assignment is still due, though. $20 – iPod in SEEK for 10 minutes at teacher’s discretion $25 – Sit with a friend in class or SEEK at teacher’s discretion $15 – Extra pass $35 – Lunch with you and two friends with your favorite Viper teacher $40 – iPod for ALL of SEEK at teacher’s discretion $45 – 20 minutes of computer time in SEEK at teacher’s discretion $50 – V.I.C.–tory (Very Impressive Choices) Quarter celebration ticket! $100 - $5.00 gift card $250 – Brownsburg t-shirt Other items may be added! Remember: Viper bucks can be banked and will earn interest. However, once in the bank they remain in the bank until the end of the school year.
Make-Up Work from Absences BWMS’ make-up work policy states that when a student is absent from school, he or she will have one day for each day he or she was gone to make-up that work. It is the student’s responsibility to be pro-active and ask the teacher for work missed. Parents can request homework after two days of a student being absent. After the allotted time, the VIPER homework policy will take into action.
The Vibrant Vipers Once a month, team Viper will be recognizing students for outstanding classroom performance. These students will have their names posted in the Viper hallway, and they will also receive a prize for their efforts.
Contacting Us is the easiest way to contact us. Voic is also a possibility. We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. Check our websites frequently for additional information. Power School is a wonderful way to keep track of your child’s progress. If you have any troubles logging on, please see an office staff member for assistance.
Webpage Our Team 7-1 Webpage is From there, you can get to our individual webpages. Please visit our individual webpages Homework, Tests, Quizzes, and Projects are posted. Check to see if the Passport matches our homework webpages. Some copies of worksheets or notes may be available. You can also find: upcoming information about team activities. fun pictures and info about the teachers.
Important Dates and I-STEP+ in the Spring Parent/Teacher conferences will be October 9 th and 10 th from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. Please reserve this time to come and talk with us about your student The open ended sections of I-STEP+ will be March , The multiple choice sections of I-STEP+ will be April 28 – May 7, It is important that your student be here during the testing window. To help them do their best a good breakfast, plenty of rest and water are essential.
Student Data Information As soon as we know the results of last year’s ISTEP+ we will share them with you. Students took the Scholastic Reading Inventory on Tuesday August 6 th. Please ask them what their new lexile is as they start 7 th grade. Acuity Predictive Tests are given three times throughout the year to assess the students as a predictive for I-STEP+.
Following this presentation Team Viper teachers will be available in the hallway for questions. Related Arts teachers will be in their classroom for questions. Mrs. LePage (English Lab) will also be available in her room for questions.
Parent Homework Parent Homework is available tonight. Completed homework can go to any Viper teacher or feel free to it to us at a later time. Parent Homework is optional. It is just a way for us to get to know your child better.
Lastly… This year is going to be a transitional year. This is really your child’s first year in secondary education, which means they are no longer in elementary school. They are in full swing to middle school now. We go very quickly in our classes, and it is very important for them to keep up with the material in class and homework at home! Many students struggle at first with the fast pace that we go, so, your child will be studying hard! Please reassure them that they can ask for help at any time! Together we will make this a successful year!
THANK YOU! We appreciate your support as we work together to make this a wonderful year. Thank you for coming this evening. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Please take a summary of this presentation as you leave tonight. We are looking forward to partnering with you as we work toward success for your student.