What is Golden Ratio? The golden ratio is what we call an irrational nuber it has an infinite number of decimal places and it never repeats it self. Generally,we round the golden ratio to
Miracle of Kaaba : Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Qur'an. The number is 1.618, and is found by solving the equation: g = 1/(1+g). The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in geometric figures and biological systems, is an instrument of measurement and growth efficiency.
On Earth. The distance between the North Pole and the South Pole is 19980,00KM The distance between the South Pole and Mecca is 12348,32KM By dividing 19980,00/12348,32= BUT WAIT The distance between the North Pole and Mecca is KM The distance between the South Pole and Mecca is 12348,32KM By dividing 12348,32 / =1.618
Proof from Verses of Quran There is one unique verse in Koran that includes Mecca word and an expression that mentions clear evidences within the city which will grant faith to humanity. The relation between the City of Mecca and the Golden Ratio is clearly engraved in Ali Imran Surah’s (section of Koran) 96th verse. The total number of all letters of this verse is 47. Calculating the golden ratio of total letters, we find out that the word of Mecca is implied; 47 / 1,618 = There are 29 letters from the beginning of the verse till the word, Mecca just as in the world map. If only one single word or letter was missing, this ratio could never been constituted. Without pushing the limits, we have conducted the very same process that we conducted on world map and witnessed the glorious coherence of number of letters that reveals the relation of Mecca and Golden Ratio.
Made by; Moiz Shaigan. Muhammad Bilal. Shahzor. Thanks!