Lesson: Political Ideologies of WWII Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives: Define governments job and its necessity Identify and define the different governmental philosophies Essential Questions: What is the job of government? Could human beings maintain order without government? What are the different philosophies of governing? Which are more favorable in your opinion and why? Performance Indicator: Foldable – notes Recipes for government
Create a flip book to record your notes. Each flap should be labeled with the appropriate title. Information should then be recorded on the corresponding page. Political Ideologies Note Foldable Political Ideology Definition Fascism Communism Theory – Marxian Communism in USSR Nazism and Eugenics Capitalism/Democracy Note-taking Foldable – Staple Here
What is a Political Ideology?? Explains how society should work, and offers some political and cultural plans for a social order. Determines how to distribute power and how it should be used. Includes an economic (money) system.
Fighting Over Ideas Throughout history armed conflicts (wars) have occurred because of different opinions about government and theories of governing. In your opinion why is this a common occurrence? Can you think of an example of a time when this has happened? Why would the United States participate in an armed conflict to defend a governmental principle? In your CLG, take a few minutes to discuss each of these questions. Think about historical events involving conflict that you have learned of previously. Be ready to share out.
FASCISM Italy – Mussolini: creator Totalitarian/Authoritarian, single party state “The Far Right” = EXTREME Society more important than the individual Centralization of power under a dictator, did not desire equality Strict govt. control of the economy- “The Corporate State”, economic policies where aimed at increasing state power and suppressing unions Suppression of opposition through terror and censorship Nationalism (extreme patriotism) and Racial superiority
The Rise of Fascism in Italy Fascism is a totalitarian form of government which: Glorifies the state Has one leader and one party All aspects of society are controlled by the government No opposition or protests are tolerated Propaganda and censorship are widely practiced Benito Mussolini came to power in 1922 and helped found the political ideology of fascism. He sided with the Axis powers in 1940.
COMMUNISM: The Theory/Marxism Karl Marx Economic System & Political Ideology Property is commonly controlled Revolution of the proletariat (worker) to seize control of the means of production International movement Communist Manifesto 2/1848 w/ Friedrich Engels
Marxian Communism "Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life. Idea is pure equality.democraticallydecision-making process
COMMUNISM: In the USSR Installed in 1914 Bolshevik revolution: Lenin ruled at the time Stalin State plans and controls the economy, collectivism Vast Industrialization Dominated all aspects of life, murdered political opponents
NAZISM National Socialist German Worker’s Party Hitler – Germany Fascism extreme nationalism, racism, eugenics, totalitarianism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-communism, and limits to freedom of religion The rejection of democracy, and consequently abolishing political parties, labor unions, and free press
What is Eugenics? Supporters regarded it as a social philosophy for the improvement of human hereditary traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of certain people and traits, and the reduction of reproduction of other people and traits. This warped ideology led to the Euthanasia of million of Jewish.
CAPITALIST/DEMOCRACY US – FDR/Truman UK – Chamberlain/Churchill ▫Private ownership of business and property, Adam Smith’s A Wealth of Nations ▫“Survival of the fittest” ▫Liaise faire, free market, limited welfare system ▫Free elections, republic style ▫protections for individual liberty, a separation of powers, and a layered federal structure
Your Turn – Left Side Reflection: Create a recipe of ingredients and directions for “cooking up” each type of political ideology that you have learned about today. Be creative in the way you demonstrate your understanding of these ideas. Example: Democracy Recipe: 1 cup of a government run by the people 1 cup of shared power between federal & state gov’t 3 tsp. branches of gov’t 2 tsp. checks and balances 1 healthy serving of a constitution that protect our rights Mix the first 4 ingredients together and blend them well. Slowly stir in the preamble, Bill of Rights and the added amendments until everything is smooth. Bake at 350, checking for doneness and make changes and adjustments to recipe as needed. Enjoy a government of the people, by the people and for the people!