UNICEF Social Protection Training Course Mark Davies 13 th July 2009 Summary of Day 1
Objectives and functions of social protection Social protection not only residual function - assuring welfare of the poorest – Foundation for developing human capabilities, promoting social justice and social cohesion and promoting economic creativity Many different approaches - traditions, cultures, organisations and political structures affect these Substantial differences among organisations and societies in terms of how they approach and define SP
Definitions We saw how definitions define institutional positions rather than being comprehensive definitions E.g. world bank don’t believe in hand outs so talk about risk management
Definitions Why definitions can be difficult/dangerous: If they are static and not re-examined – how can they address the new challenges SP is a rapidly changing agenda it is not a static concept – values change, approaches change So keep open minded and be prepared to change/adopt definitions and concepts Following national governments/national policy process definitions
Definitions So if we need conceptual clarity in an organisation they can be helpful Provide boundaries/limits/linkages but: You will never get a definition that everyone agrees with If you do pick a definition you need to keep it flexible and be prepared to change it
Links to other sessions Temptation to try and discuss everything in one day! Today: examined some dominant concepts and definitions Tomorrow: consider how appropriate approaches are in detail Theme 3: how appropriate in developing a comprehensive – child sensitive approach
Links to other sessions Politics: In an ideal world social protection is designed and implemented to address vul and poverty We will discuss other factors that affect decision making – the politics of social protection Ideology can matter more than data
Final thought: Social protection is context specific We can highlight some key issues in certain countries and regions BUT We need you – apply general learning to the specific context of your country/region/work