Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials overview of the Work Programme GORAZD WEISS & PHILIPP BRUGNER, CENTRE FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION, AUSTRIA
Outline 1.Round the table 2.General Overview of NPM topic in the H2020 Work programme 3.Partner search tools 4.Q&A 5.Decision about the specific open call for the exercise /Forming of 2 groups 2
3 Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Excellent Science Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnologies and Production (NMBP) - covers all aspects of the nanotech and advanced materials research. Where to find NMPB
Priority II: Industrial Leadership 4 Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs) (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space) 17,6 % Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation 3,69 % Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs 0,8 % 22,09 %
Open calls for proposals with NMB topics => CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION 5 H ORIZON 2020 W ORK P ROGRAMME* 2016 – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
Topic list - summary
Call for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production Mix of R&D, Innovation, SME focused and CSA topics Involving partners from Multiple Countries (usually at least 3 – always check the Work Programme) ‘NMAP’ topics usually 2 stage (check!), PPP 1 stage – always check details/deadlines 7
Topics (1) ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR HIGH ADDED VALUE PRODUCTS AND PROCESS INDUSTRIES =>>> Challenge: ↗enabling inventive combinations of materials, process industries, business models, and links to public-private partnerships in delivering innovative products to markets and customers that demand them =>>>Focus: ↗on high precision processing and fabrication of smart materials structures and systems; nanotechnologies and advanced materials converging systems as a basis for next generation of high added value products in a wide range of application fields, such as transport (in particular also related to ‘Green Vehicles’), civil engineering, mechatronics, catalysis, bio-medical and health, textiles and packaging
Topics (2) ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR HEALTHCARE =>>> Challenge: Nanomedicine activities aim at shortening the long research, development and regulatory approval process, reducing the associated costs, so as to deliver safe, efficacious and cost effective products to meet the demands for improved healthcare. =>>>Focus: Target is translation of new products from "lab-to-bedside"
Topics (3) ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIESFOR ENERGY APPLICATIONS =>>>Focus: ↗on providing advanced materials and nanotechnologies solutions in support of implementing the European energy policy, which addresses the energy system as a whole with a focus on its sustainability and security of supply while generating affordable energy.
Topics (4) ECO-DESIGN AND NEW SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODELS =>>>Focus: ↗on new concepts and methodologies for knowledge-based, specialised production, which can fulfil the requirements of sustainability, globalised value chains, changing markets, and emerging and future industries
Topics (5) MODELLING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOTECHNOLOGIES AND ADVANCED MATERIALS =>>>Focus: ↗on stimulation ot the use of existing materials modelling software by the European manufacturing industry. ↗on delivering materials modelling software and making it available to industrial end-users, including service provision (research done for industry with these software packages); translator services, to generate new solutions and support technology transfer through materials modelling, characterisation, accompanied by relevant metrology, instrumentation, standardisation as well as business decision support tools.
Topics (6) SCIENCE-BASED RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES =>>>Focus: ↗On the real or perceived uncertainties surrounding the potential health or environmental risks of Engineered Nano-Materials (ENMs) and their diverse applications, as well a lack of regulatory clarity, have a negative effect on the development, uptake and exploitation of these materials.
Topics (7) INNOVATIVE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE OF NEW AND CONVERGINGENABLING TECHNOLOGIES =>>>Focus: ↗On effective dialogue with all stakeholders which is an essential element of safe and responsible governance of nanotechnology, advanced materials and biotechnologies and their applications, enhancing public confidence as well as governance. Involvement of stakeholder.
Partner Search – Your profile -1 PAGER with following infromation:
Partner Search ↗Online Partner search databases ↗Bilateral contacts ↗Young researchers ↗Brokerage events ↗International conferences/ workshops RI-LINKS2UA Grants EAP Inco net Grants Other Grants, Call for papers
Partner Search – Online Databases
Partner Search – Online Databases
Finding a call IMPLEMENTATION: H2020 NMP webiste: advanced-manufacturing-and-processing-and 21
Searching tool: html
Searching tool: html
Project Idea What kind of project will I implement? (scope, limits, objectives, expected impact) What will I do with the results? (exploitation, dissemination, knowledge tranfer) With whom will I implement this project? Who does what? (consortium, respective tasks, responsabilities) Why should my project be funded by the EC? (European added value) How will I successfully carry it to term? (resources, management, methodology) How much will it cost? What funding can I expect? (budget plan and EC contribution) Do I have my organization’s support? (human and financial resources) Am I ready to coordinate /be a partner? Idea Approach Partners Realisation of the call and work program’s objectives RELEVANT
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! CONTACT: Gorazd Weiss CENTRE FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION (ZSI) Linke Wienzeile 246 A Vienna AUSTRIA Tel Fax RI-LINKS2U is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no
Participant portal
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Objective: The research project shall enable science policy makers to better understand the dynamics of expenditure on R&D in the private sector. Indicators Statistics on R&D expenditure for the last 3 years in the business sector are made available Hindering factors for the business sector to invest in R&D are identified (by a representative sample of business actors) Priorities for R&D in the business sector are identified (maximum 3 thematic priorities) Recommendations on how to stimulate R&D expenditure in the business sector are identified Recommendations are disseminated in at least 5 workshops to policy makers Objectives vs. indicators
Analysis of objectives High level (policy or programme) objectives to which the project contributes: broader aim of the project, problem to be solved – to contribute Project’s central (immediate) objective: what the project aims to bring about – to achieve The “objective” does NOT contain: Activities: Tasks that have to be undertaken to deliver the desired results – to do Output: tangible products or services delivered by the project – to produce
Objectives=aims=targets=goals? Objective: what you hope to achieve Aim: what you intend to do to fulfill your objective Target: a measurement of how successfully your aim is in reaching its objective. Goal: an indicator of whether your aim is achieving its objective.
Goals vs. targets Goals tend to be two state only – achieved or not achieved Targets are more measurement based. When you hit a target in archery you achieve different scores depending on your accuracy.
Objectives=aims=targets=goals? Objective: To impress a damsel with your archery skills (overall mission) Aim: To successfully shoot an apple off the head of a knave at an archery contest attended by damsels (what you actually intend to do to support your mission) Target: To hit the centre of the apple on the head of a knave (a measure of the degree of success) Goal: To get your arrow in the apple without injuring the knave (a logical indicator of success)
SMART objectives Specific – Objectives should specify what they want to achieve. Measurable – You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable? Realistic – Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have? Time – When do you want to achieve the set objectives?
Project Structure Planning Systematically record the activities Develop a list of tasks which can be planned and controlled Structure them hierarchically Try to limit the amount of tasks, combine them again as suitable Try to find the major categories of activities (structure in 5-9 Workpackages) Think in processes and sequences
Information Sources Participant Portal At: Horizon 2020 Documents Horizon 2020 On-line Manual Questions? Research Enquiry Service
3:06 of animated general overview
1:36 for info on how to apply