Helena Lindberg Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency Mission and Approach Helsinki, November 4, 2014
Overall Approach to Societal Security –as mandated by Parliament- Safeguard the life, health and personal safety of the population. Reduce the risks and the consequences of disruptions, crises and accidents. Uphold society´s fundamental values and maintain the continuity of vital societal functions. Limit the damages to the environment, to property and to other economic values.
Basic facts - MSB Operational January 1, 2009 Director General: Helena Lindberg ~900 employees Stockholm, Karlstad, Kristinehamn, Sandö and Revinge Replaced three agencies which ceased operations on December 31, 2008: – Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA) – Swedish Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) – National Board of Psychological Defence (SPF)
The Mandate for MSB The entire spectrum of threats and risks, from everyday accidents to major disasters – Local, regional, national, EU, and international Before, during, and after the occurrence of emergencies, disasters and accidents Coordinating across sector and jurisdictional boundaries and levels of responsibility MSB will not take over the responsibility of primary stake holders. Their missions include the responsibility to coordinate with others as needed
Framing Societal Security
Emergencies Crises War Prevention Response Public sector Private sector Civil society The individual Laws and regulations Financial incentives Knowledge management Human life and health Vital societal functions Democracy, rule of law and human rights Environment and property National sovereignty Core Values Capabilities Stake- holders Instru- ments Risks and threats Civil Contingencies Management
Communicate4result AB 2013 SectorExamples of VSF Energy supplyProduction & distribution of: electricity, local heating, fuel etc. Financial servicesPayments, access to cash, central payment system, securities trading etc. Trade & industryConstruction, retail, manufacturing etc. Health, medical and care services EMS, pharmaceutical and equipment supply, childcare, disabled and elderly care, primary health care, psychiatry, social services, disease control for animals and people etc. Information and communication Telephony (mobile & fixed), internet, radio communications, distribution of mail, production & distribution of daily papers, web site information, social media etc. Municipal technical services Drinking water supply, sewage treatment, sanitation, road maintenance etc. FoodstuffsDistribution, primary production, inspections and manufacture of foodstuffs etc. Public administration - Management functions - Support functions Local, regional, national management, funeral services, diplomatic and consular services etc. Protection, safety and security The judiciary, prosecution service, military defence, prison service, coastguard, police, fire & rescue service, PSAP, customs & excise, border protection, immigration control, guarding and security activities etc. Social securityPublic pension system, sickness and unemployment insurance etc. TransportAir, rail, maritime, road and public transport etc. A national strategy – implemented by 2020
National Risk Assessment Pandemic Nuclear accident Disruption to transportation Disruption to electronic communications Disruption in electricity supply Disruption in the fuel supply Theft of/false information Dam failure Ice storm Social unrest with violent element School shooting Act of terrorism Contaminated drinking water supply (chemical spill) Contaminated drinking water supply (biological contamination) Solar storm Heat wave Storm Sulphur mist Epizootic Fire in protected objects Ship collision Flooding of watercourses Landslide Disruptions in the food supply Chemical dispersal via a bomb Space debris Armed aggression
Public sector Private sector Civil sector Mil
Coordination Arenas Transport Economic Security Protection, Rescue and Care Toxic Substances Technical Infrastructure Geographic Area Responsibility
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap Capabilities Resilience All-hazards approach Coordination
Law and regulations Financial Incentives Knowledge management Because you must Because you profit Because you want
Research for enhanced Societal Security at home and abroad MSB invests in problem focused, demand driven research and development. Supports some 80 projects at universities and institutes. The Swedish security research program complements the much larger security research program by the EU Commission (DG-HOME). The MSB program is a basis for sustained collaboration with the large DHS S & T program.
Solidarity pledges Sweden Nordic EU Global Commitments
Solidarity into Practice: Fighting the Forest Fire in Västmanland Vast forest fire in the summer of 2014 that overwhelmed the local rescue services. The regional authority took the lead. MSB supported. Assistance came from many parts of Sweden. Armed forces engaged in rescue work. Norway assisted with a helicopter Water bombers from Italy and France Evaluation and learning processes are ongoing
Solidarity into Practice: Fighting Ebola in West Africa Swedish Government funds major assistance effort. MSB coordinates team and equipment in the field. Many sector agencies and volunteers are engaged. Complex coordination processes required with EU, WHO, UN and USAID. Major public communication operation in place.
10 guidelines for the road ahead Maintain confidence in public institutions A safe society communicates The individual’s preparedness is essential It is possible to more effectively prevent accidents Vital societal functions must always be upheld Information and cyber security concerns everybody Manage the global interdependencies Utilise existing resources in a better way Transnational challenges require increased transnational cooperation Without climate change adaption, vulnerability will increase
Common Problems – Shared Solutions Together we shall strengthen our shared societal security through a whole-of-society approach to meet and recover from antagonistic threats and natural or man-made disasters, reduce local as well as transnational vulnerabilities and build trans- boundary capacities. Promote Holistic Framing