YOUTH IN ACTION Marzia Conte DG EAC, Youth in Action Unit Brussels, 5 December 2008
2 Youth in Action A programme for all young people Non-formal Education Mobility European citizenship Active participation Inclusion of disadvantaged young people Cultural diversity
3 2008 = European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2009 = European Year of Creativity and Innovation Annual priorities - European Parliament elections - Combating violence against women - Sport as a tool to promote active citizenship and social inclusion of young people - Promoting healthy lifestyles through physical activities, including sport - Global issues (development, climate change…) - Promoting inclusion of disabled youngsters
4 5 Objectives… Active European citizenship Solidarity among young people Mutual understanding Quality of support systems for youth activities Cooperation in youth policies … and 5 Actions Youth for Europe European Voluntary Service Youth in the world Youth Support Systems Support to European cooperation in the youth field
5 Who can participate? All young people between 15 and 28 years old (in some cases 13-30) Indipendently from their educational, social or cultural background Legally resident in one of the Programme or Partner countries Youth workers and other actors working in the youth field (no age limits)
6 Participating countries 27 EU Member States Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway Turkey Partner Countries Neighbouring Partner Countries (South-East Europe, Easter Europe and Caucasus, Mediterranean Partner Countries) Other Partner Countries of the World having signed an agreement with the EU relevant to the youth field Programme countries
7 Western Balkans (SEE) – neighbours with an accession perspective the countries of the western Balkans, in accordance with the arrangements to be established with these countries following the framework agreements providing for their participation in Community programmes Decision establishing the Youth in Action Programme (art. 5)
8 Western Balkans (SEE) – neighbours with a special status Croatia & the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – preparatory measures to become Programme countries Youth NGOs based in these countries can already apply to the Executive Agency in Brussels for projects to be hosted in their countries under certain Actions of the Programme as well as for operating grants
9 Youth for Europe 1.1 – Youth exchanges 1.2 – Youth initiatives 1.3 – Youth Democracy Projects
10 Youth Exchanges Active participation Non-formal learning A specific theme Similarities and differences European citizenship 6 – 21 activity days 13 – 25 yrs old (26-30) 16 – 60 participants
11 European Voluntary Service Individual or Group EVS (up to 100 volunteers) Solidarity and life experience in a different country “learning service” (support throughout the project) International cooperation Sending Organisation Volunteer(s) Host Organisation
12 Youth in the World Cooperation with the neighbouring countries of the enlarged Europe Cooperation with countries not covered by the neighbouring policy (annual call for proposals)
13 Cooperation with the Neighbouring Countries of the EU - Youth Exchanges - Training and Networking Projects Projects may take place in a Programme Country or a Neighbouring Partner Country with the exception of MED countries Promoters based in a Programme Country (coordinating organisation) or in SEE if the activity takes place in a SEE country South East Europe Eastern Europe and Caucasus Mediterranean Partner Countries Where? What? Who can apply?
14 Youth support systems Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth (at least 8 countries) Support for the European Youth Forum Training and networking of youth workers Projects encouraging innovation and quality Information activities for young people and youth workers Partnerships Support for the structures of the Programme (NAs, SALTO, EuroDesk) Adding to the value of the Programme
15 Training, Exchange and Networking in the youth field Two general objectives: Promoting exchanges, cooperation and training in European youth work Supporting project-development under the Youth in Action Programme
16 Eligible Activities Job shadowing Feasibility visits Evaluation meetings Study visits Partnership-building activities Seminars Training courses Networking
17 Support for policy cooperation Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy - Transnational Youth Seminars - National Youth Seminars Support for activities to bring about better understanding and knowledge of the field of youth Co-operation with international organisations
18 Implementation of the Programme European Commission DG EAC Youth in Action Unit National Agencies Decentralised Actions (85%) Executive Agency Centralised Actions (15%) National Authorities Support structures: - SALTO YOUTH Resource Centres - Eurodesk network
19 Inform about possibilities for co-operation between partner countries in South East Europe and programme countries Support in finding partners for Youth in Action projects involving Programme countries and partner countries in South East Europe Co-ordinate and organise educational activities Produce, collect and disseminate relevant material for co-operation in this field Promote visibility of on-going co-operation Training of EVS volunteers Accreditation of EVS organisations in the region Support and expertise in all issues related to the involvement and promotion of Youth in Action co-operation with South East Europe More info at: SALTO SEE RESOURCE CENTRE
20 Decentralised actions: 5 deadlines per year: 1 February 1 April 1 June 1 September 1 November How to apply? Programme Guide: permanent call for proposals Centralised actions: 3 deadlines per year : 1 February 1 June 1 September Specific calls for proposals
21 Want to know more? European Commission DG Education and Culture, Unit D.2 Youth in Action Programme Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency SALTO SEE RC European Youth Portal