Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Curriculum for Excellence Drop in session 2 Curriculum Design and Delivery: absorbing the principles, attributes and capacities of Curriculum for Excellence
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Update Some new policy documents – Outdoor Learning, Qualification Design Principles Some HMIE sources – Aspect Reports, Review Reports, Presentations re Learner Engagement SFC Annual Report Feedback from sector HMIE reporting to Curriculum for Excellence Management Board
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Defining Excellence… An appropriate starting point is likely to refer to the expected outputs and learning behaviours. At your table add some words and phrases to the sentence stem below. Young people and students who are ……………
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges In short Curriculum for Excellence is… Continued improvement of learning, teaching and assessment in the senior phase Learner Engagement – with learning and teaching and wider life of the college Continued development of skills for learning, life and work Progressive development of the 4 capacities Core strategies of Assessment for Learning
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges A main message of reassurance… Positive picture of progress in colleges A range of practice that exemplifies college engagement with Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence progress part of self-evaluation processes Many opportunities within courses for students to absorb the capacities, principles and attributes of Curriculum for Excellence CPD opportunities within college and external providers Practice which exemplifies the spirit and principles Learner engagement Colleges well placed for new qualifications
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Developmental and Incremental… Avoid being complacent – we do it already More evidence than a ‘tick box’ and mechanistic approach Programmes should build on the Experiences and Outcomes of curricular areas Scope for an ambitious curriculum Well placed for introduction of new courses and programmes
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Our students are learning to… Cooperate, Collaborate and work in teams – effective contributors Quickly learn new skills and information – successful learners Make decisions under stress Take prudent risks Deal with massive amounts of information Persist to solve difficult problems- confident individuals Make ethical and moral decisions – responsible citizens Implications for Curriculum design and delivery- senior phase
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Building senior phase in colleges Curriculum design – How? Qualifications College devised programmes – potential of SCQF Skills for learning, life and work Work experience Wider achievement opportunities Influence of community Potential of other awards
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Curriculum Design – the What! Learning and teaching approaches Recognition of wider achievement Qualifications and assessment Links to SCQF Progressive development of the 4 capacities Employer requirements Influence of community Inter-disciplinary learning Challenge Relevance Personalisation and choice Literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Where do we identify the evidence? Learning and teaching approaches (curriculum delivery) – heavy emphasis on active learning Assessment practice – what is ‘engaging assessment’ ? Progressive development of the 4 capacities Curriculum design (principles) Use of technology Outdoor learning Work experience External partners Interdisciplinary learning Student engagement
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges The Ambitious Curriculum… (and creative) Interdisciplinary learning Recognition of wider achievement – credibility? Practical learning and assessment activities Application Breadth Challenge and pace
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Progressive Development of the 4 Capacities How? How to learn as well as gaining knowledge – greater knowledge and secure understanding Skills for learning, life and work Able to ask questions, explain ideas, relate well to others, demonstrate initiative Group projects and workplace experience, team working, thinking, discussion of ideas, problem solving Respect for self and others Residential experiences – health and wellbeing Students enhancing their own learning, planning and evaluations
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Qualifications and assessment How? SQA qualifications will be designed to provide progression from experiences and outcomes and assessment fit for purpose. Programmes can be planned confidently on this basis Skills for learning, life and work What is ‘engaging’ assessment – basic and higher levels, challenge and feedback? Embedding of assessment for learning core strategies
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Recognition of Wider Achievement How? Youth work Volunteering Part time employment Leisure interests Projects across the curriculum
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Inter Disciplinary Learning How? Connections with literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, technology Problem solving that transcends curriculum boundaries Inter disciplinary projects and studies Financial education, outdoor learning
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges A final thought…. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change” Charles Darwin
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Next steps… What development opportunities are still needed to embed Curriculum for Excellence principles in college curriculum design and delivery?