TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NDA Mandate Vision & Mission Statements05 3. Problem Statement on ECD06 4. NDA Approach on ECD07 5. NDA interventions to ECD08 – NDA collaboration with Free State DSD on ECD Adopt an ECD Campaign Summary of investment made15 9. Future Investment Plan NDA ECDs Recognition at ECD Awards A Model for ECD Gallery19 2
NDA MANDATE PRIMARY MANDATE To contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organizations for the purposes of: a) carrying out projects or programmes aimed at meeting development needs of poor communities; and b)strengthening the institutional capacity of other civil society organizations involved in direct service provision to poor communities 3
NDA MANDATE CONT’D SECONDARY MANDATE To promote: a) consultation, dialogue and sharing of development experience between civil society organizations and relevant organs of the state; b) debate on development policy; and c) undertake research and publications aimed at providing the basis for development policy. 4
VISION & MISSION STATEMENTS VISION A society free from poverty. MISSION Facilitate sustainable development by strengthening civil society organisations involved in poverty eradication through development-oriented research, advocacy and grant funding. 5
PROBLEM STATEMENT ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 6 ECD recognised as one of tools of breaking intergenerational cycles of poverty in SA. Recent report entitled “South Africa’s Children: A review of equity and child rights notes that “In SA, 43% of children under 5 are exposed to an ECD programme at home, a centre or elsewhere and there are large disparities across provinces” (2011:5). The National Development Plan (2011:274) indicates that “research shows well planned and targeted ECD initiatives can be a cost- effective way of ensuring all children have a childhood that is free of factors
NDA APPROACH ON ECD It is against this backdrop that the NDA continues to support this Sector through interventions that: Support food security at ECD sites Strengthen the institutional, leadership and management capacity of ECD sites Improve the ECD infrastructure of ECD sites The NDA provides limited financial resources for capital infrastructure for ECD sites 7
Financial assistance to ECD sites to establish food gardens to serve as source of access to food for learners Provision of necessary inputs to enable food garden to be established Facilitating technical training for identified staff to produce food in sustainable, where possible, profitable manner. 8 SUPPORT FOOD SECURITY AT ECD SITES
STRENGTHEN THE INSTITUTIONAL, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT CAPACITY OF ECD SITES NDA’s primary focus will enable: ECD sites to set up processes and systems to manage finances, record and report on implementation of activities, develop policies for procurement, asset management, recruitment, selection and development of staff; The development of the leadership competencies, human resources, organisational development and conflict management capabilities of ECD practitioners for optimum team performances 9
IMPROVE THE ECD INFRASTRUCTURE OF ECD SITES NDA will make limited infrastructure investment as part of the holistic approach to enhancing access to provision of quality ECD education This will be done in exceptional cases If other interventions do not lead to qualitative improvements in the provision of ECD unless basic infrastructure is put in place. 10
NDA COLLABORATION WITH FREE-STATE DSD ON ECD Purpose: The Department has appointed the NDA as the Project Manager to offer comprehensive development support in the implementation of ECD Infrastructure Programme The project amount is R 7.5 million to benefit 11 ECDs. Areas of Collaboration: The improvement and building of infrastructure within all municipal districts; 11
NDA COLLABORATION WITH FREE-STATE DSD ON ECD CONT’D Improving the living conditions and access to basic education and training of both children and rural communities, thus contribute to the Government priority of job creation; Decrease high mortality rate of children and decreasing overcrowding in ECD centres; Increased food security and agricultural production to promote food security; mapping of food gardens in the identified District areas. 12
ADOPT-AN-ECD CAMPAIGN The “Adopt an ECD Campaign” will be launched in May and championed by the Minister of Social Development, Ms Bathabile Dlamini over a period of ten months, with each month dedicated to a specific province to showcase what the NDA has achieved in the ECD sector. OBJECTIVES To mobilise government, the private sector, local and international donors to increase resource flows to the ECD sector. To identify and profile ECD sites in pre-determined poor communities to access financial and non-financial resources to improve the overall quality of ECD provision.
OUTCOMES OF THE CAMPAIGN To link ‘indigent” ECD sites to targeted donors and promoting dialogue on the provision of ECD amongst key players. To facilitate advocacy and lobbying for expanded access to provision of ECD in poor communities. Provide programme management support for beneficiary sites (after- care support to ensure that the investments made in the sites continue to be sustainable). Therefore, improved access to ECD can create a solid foundation for development, lifelong learning and mitigate vulnerability to structural poverty. 14
SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT MADE Since inception the NDA has focused on ECD as a priority. Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces show the biggest impact. In the last three years, R has been invested in this sector. 15 YearAmount committed (In million rands)Percentage (%) 2009/10 R million 8 % 2010/11 R million 50% 2011/12 R million 42% Total investment in the past three years R million100 %
FUTURE INVESTMENT PLAN Beyond 10-years the NDA has projected the following allocations for ECD: 16 Year Amount committed (In million rands) Percentage (%) 2012/13 R 22.4 million 30 % of the total budget 2013/14 R 26.8 million 30 % of the total budget 2014/15 R 37.8 million 40 % of the total budget 2015/16 R40.1 million 40 % of the total budget 2016/17 R 42.5 million 40 % of the total budget Total investment in the next five years R million
NDA ECDs RECOGNISED AT ECD AWARDS 17 RECOGNITION OF NDA FUNDED ECD At the 2012 SA National ECD Awards, Lesedi Educare was awarded first place in the category “Best ECD Training and Intervention Programme” for their “Integrated ECD Care Package” (ECD Centres as Nodes of Care, Support and Community Outreach). Lesedi Educare is an accredited ECD resource and training organisation in the Free-State established in They serve communities in the Xhariep and Motheo Districts.
A MODEL FOR ECD 18 Future structures of the NDA will take this shape – this has been identified as a working model that meets all the ECD centre requirements (estimated at R ).
GALLERY 19 Tshepang Mobile Toy Library Thembalethu Day Care Learners at Thembalethu Day Care Opening of the Thembalethu Day Care in Jacobsdal
Thank You!! 20