升麻檔案 中文名 升麻 學名 Cimicifuga foetida / Cimicifugae Rhizoma 英文名 Rhizome of Largetrifolious Bugbane 拉丁名 Rhizoma Cimicifuge 別名 黑升麻、綠升麻、西升麻、雞骨升麻、周升麻、鬼臉 升麻.


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Presentation transcript:

升麻檔案 中文名 升麻 學名 Cimicifuga foetida / Cimicifugae Rhizoma 英文名 Rhizome of Largetrifolious Bugbane 拉丁名 Rhizoma Cimicifuge 別名 黑升麻、綠升麻、西升麻、雞骨升麻、周升麻、鬼臉 升麻

本草綱目記載 【分類】 草部山草類 本經上品 【氣味】 甘苦,平微寒,無毒 【主治】 解百毒,殺百精老物殃鬼,辟瘟疫瘴氣邪氣,蠱蟲入口皆吐出, 中惡腹痛,時氣毒癘,頭痛寒熱風腫,諸毒喉痛口瘡,久服不夭, 輕身長年。(本經) 安魂定魄,鬼附啼泣,疳 游風 腫痛。(大明) 小兒驚癇,熱壅不通,療廱腫豌豆瘡,水煎棉沾拭瘡上 (甄權) 治陽明頭痛,補脾胃,去皮膚風邪,解肌肉閒風熱,療肺痿欬唾 濃血,能發浮汗(元素) 消斑疹,行療血,治陽陷眩暈,胸胁虛痛久泄下痢,後重遺濁, 帶下崩中,血淋下血,陰痿足寒(時珍) 匿 虫

升 麻 傳 奇升 麻 傳 奇 升 麻 傳 奇升 麻 傳 奇

青梅竹馬夢 良藥成姻緣 從前,有一戶姓趙的人家,爹在外做小買賣,娘在 內持家,女兒青梅幫助別人家洗點衣服補貼家用。 日子雖然清苦,倒也和和美美。不料青梅娘得了子 宮脫垂病,沒幾天竟臥床不起,不能進食,面色蒼 白。青梅父女急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻,請郎中治療, 幾劑藥下去沒見好轉,看來青梅娘快要不行了。

青梅竹馬夢 良藥成姻緣 一天,青梅對雙眉緊鎖的爹說:「爹,發愁也沒有用,這 樣吧,我們貼個告示,誰能治好娘的病,我就嫁給他。」 青梅爹十分吃驚:「女兒呀,婚姻大事豈能兒戲 ! 」青梅勸 道:「家中窮苦,我們沒有錢給娘治病。娘勞苦一生,我 們可不能讓她就這麼走了。我已經決定了,不論富貴貧賤 ,殘老鰥丑,只要能治好娘的病,我就嫁給他。」青梅爹 看看女兒,想想日子一貧如洗,只得同意了,於是貼出了 治病招親的告示。晚上,青梅夢見了一位老神仙對她說: 「青梅呀,你救母的一片孝心感動了上蒼。玉帝派我告訴 你一句話:『竹馬到來日,洞房花燭時。』切記切記 ! 」青 梅醒來後百思不解其意。

青梅竹馬夢 良藥成姻緣 說來也巧,有一個窮苦的青年,父母雙亡,以採藥為生。 一天晚上,他也夢見一位老神仙對自己說:「牢記『竹馬 送來日,洞房花燭時』,快上山挖仙藥,能成就好姻緣。 」第二天,他就聽說了青梅家治病招親的事兒。於是,他 立刻背上藥簍去找老人們曾說過能治療子宮脫垂病的「竹 馬」。真是功夫不負有心人,他終於在一片野草下發現了 跟傳說吻合的棕黑色的「竹馬」,急忙挖出來,給青梅家 送去。青梅娘喝了幾天用「竹馬」熬的藥後,病漸漸地好 了起來。青梅和那位青年成了親,一家人恩恩愛愛,過著 幸福生活。

青梅竹馬夢 良藥成姻緣 人們由此知道了「竹馬」的神奇功效,一傳十, 十傳百,天長日久,「竹馬」被傳成了「升麻」, 於是就作為一味中藥名傳了下來。

認識升麻 / htm 56/ htm 05.

認識升麻 %C2%A0var,%C2%A0intermedia,%C2%A0Regel,Cimicifuga%C2%A0heracl eifolia.htm %C2%A0var,%C2%A0intermedia,%C2%A0Regel,Cimicifuga%C2%A0heracl eifolia.htm

升麻科學 E-Book 1 1. Cimicifuga foetida extract inhibits proliferation of hepatocellular cells via induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. moremore 2. Purification and analysis of Cimicifuga foetida glycoprotein ( CF- I ). moremore 3. Cimifoetisides VI and VII Two new cyclolanostanol triterpene glycosides from the aerial parts of Cimicifuga foetida. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book 2 4. Cimicifoetisides A and B, two cytotoxic cycloartane triterpenoid glycosides from the rhizomes of Cimicifuga foetida, inhibit proliferation of cancer cells. moremore 5. Cimicifugae rhizoma: from origins, bioactive constituents to clinical outcomes. moremore 6. In vitro anti-microbial and in vivo cytokine modulating effects of different prepared Chinese herbal medicines. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book 3 7. Anticomplement activity of cycloartane glycosides from the rhizome of Cimicifuga foetida. moremore 8. Cytotoxicity of cycloartane triterpenoids from aerial part of Cimicifuga foetida. moremore 9. Alternative treatments of vasomotor symptoms of menopause. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Black cohosh, safety, and public awareness. moremore 11. Estrogen-like effect of a Cimicifuga racemosa extract sub-fraction as assessed by in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro assays. moremore 12. Triterpenoids from Cimicifugae rhizoma, a novel class of inhibitors on bone resorption and ovariectomy-induced bone loss. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book A triterpene glycoside from black cohosh that inhibits osteoclastogenesis by modulating RANKL and TNFalpha signaling pathways. moremore 14. Mending the bones with natural products. moremore 15. Cimicifuga really no better than placebo? moremore

升麻科學 E-Book 6 16.Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa [L.] Nutt.): safety and efficacy for cancer patients. moremore 17. Black cohosh with or without St. John's wort for symptom-specific climacteric treatment--results of a large-scale, controlled, observational study. moremore 18. Efficacy and tolerability of a medicinal product containing an isopropanolic black cohosh extract in Chinese women with menopausal symptoms: a randomized, double blind, parallel- controlled study versus tibolone. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Effects of black cohosh on estrogen biosynthesis in normal breast tissue in vitro. moremore 20. Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, syn. Cimicifuga racemosa): the queen of the female pharmacopeia. moremore 21. Gene expression analysis of the mechanisms whereby black cohosh inhibits human breast cancer cell growth. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Is black cohosh a hepatotoxic medicinal herb? more 23. Coadministration of the aromatase inhibitor formestane and an isopropanolic extract of black cohosh in a rat model of chemically induced mammary carcinoma. moremore 24. Antioxidant capacity of 55 medicinal herbs traditionally used to treat the urinary system: a comparison using a sequential three-solvent extraction process. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Petasiphenone, a phenol isolated from Cimicifuga racemosa, in vitro inhibits proliferation of the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. moremore 26. The effects of black cohosh therapies on lipids, fibrinogen, glucose and insulin. moremore 27. Cytotoxicity and mechanism of 23-O- acetylcimigenol-3-O-beta-D-xylopyranoside on HepG2 cells. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Effectiveness and safety of the treatment of menopausal syndrome with Cimicifuga racemosa dry. more more 29. Treatment of vasomotor symptoms of menopause with black cohosh, multibotanicals, soy, hormone therapy, or placebo: a randomized trial. moremore 30. Summaries for patients. Treating symptoms of menopause: a study of the effectiveness of black cohosh alone and with other herbal therapies or soy. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Ethanolic extracts of black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) inhibit growth and oestradiol synthesis from oestrone sulphate in breast cancer cells. moremore 32. Safety and efficacy of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) during pregnancy and lactation. moremore 33. Complementary and alternative therapies for climacteric symptoms. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Actein and a fraction of black cohosh potentiate antiproliferative effects of chemotherapy agents on human breast cancer cells. moremore 35. First-time proof of endometrial safety of the special black cohosh extract (Actaea or Cimicifuga racemosa extract) CR BNO moremore 36. Black cohash: a contraindication in general anesthesia. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Nonhormonal therapies for hot flashes in menopause. moremore 38. Assessing the clinical significance of botanical supplementation on human cytochrome P450 3A activity: comparison of a milk thistle and black cohosh product to rifampin and clarithromycin. moremore 39. Muscle damage induced by black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Complementary and alternative medicine patients are talking about: black cohosh. moremore 41. Isopropanolic extract of black cohosh stimulates osteoprotegerin production by human osteoblasts. moremore 42. No estrogen-like effects of an isopropanolic extract of Rhizoma Cimicifugae racemosae on uterus and vena cava of rats after 17 day treatment. more more

升麻科學 E-Book Newer antidepressants and other nonhormonal agents for the treatment of hot flashes. moremore 44. Cimicifuga racemosa dried ethanolic extract in menopausal disorders: a double-blind placebo- controlled clinical trial. moremore 45. Phenolic esters from the rhizomes of Cimicifuga racemosa do not cause proliferation effects in MCF-7 cells. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Efficacy of Cimicifuga racemosa on climacteric complaints: a randomized study versus low-dose transdermal estradiol. moremore 47. Treatment of hot flushes in breast and prostate cancer. moremore 48. Black cohosh: just another phytoestrogen? more more

升麻科學 E-Book Effects of estradiol-17beta, testosterone and a black cohosh preparation on bone and prostate in orchidectomized rats. moremore 50. Black cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa): review of the clinical data for safety and efficacy in menopausal symptoms. moremore 51. Cimicifuga racemosa extract BNO 1055 inhibits proliferation of the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Alteration of the effects of cancer therapy agents on breast cancer cells by the herbal medicine black cohosh. moremore 53. Apoptosis of human prostate androgen-dependent and -independent carcinoma cells induced by an isopropanolic extract of black cohosh involves degradation of cytokeratin (CK) 18. moremore 54. Fulminant liver failure associated with the use of black cohosh. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Drug-herb interactions with herbal medicines for menopause. moremore 56. Pilot evaluation of black cohosh for the treatment of hot flashes in women. moremore 57. The safety of black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga racemosa). moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Inhibitory effects of Cimicifuga heracleifolia extract on glutamate formation and glutamate dehydrogenase activity in cultured islets. moremore 59. Inhibition of mast cell-dependent allergy reaction by extract of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). moremore 60. Acute liver failure associated with the use of herbal preparations containing black cohosh. more

升麻科學 E-Book Cimicifuga racemosa extract inhibits proliferation of estrogen receptor-positive and negative human breast carcinoma cell lines by induction of apoptosis. moremore 62. Anti-AIDS agents. Part 57: Actein, an anti-HIV principle from the rhizome of Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh), and the anti-HIV activity of related saponins. moremore 63. Treating hot flashes in breast cancer survivors: a review of alternative treatments to hormone replacement therapy. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Effects of an isopropanolic extract of Cimicifuga racemosa on urinary crosslinks and other parameters of bone quality in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. moremore 65. Evidence for selective estrogen receptor modulator activity in a black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) extract: comparison with estradiol-17beta. moremore 66. In vitro formation of quinoid metabolites of the dietary supplement Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh). moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Pharmacological effects of Cimicifuga racemosa. more more 68. Hepatotoxicity from Cimicifuga racemosa? Recent Australian case report not sufficiently substantiated. more more 69. Antitumor agents 220. Antitumor-promoting effects of cimigenol and related compounds on Epstein- Barr virus activation and two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Three cycloartane glycosides from Cimicifuga rhizome and their immunosuppressive activities in mouse allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction. moremore 71. Pharmacology of Cimicifuga racemosa extract BNO 1055 in rats: bone, fat and uterus. moremore 72. A systematic review of the safety of black cohosh. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book Influence of Cimicifuga racemosa on the proliferation of estrogen receptor-positive human breast cancer cells. moremore 74. Antiestrogenic activities of Cimicifuga racemosa extracts. moremore 75. Hormone-modulating herbs: implications for women's health. moremore

升麻科學 E-Book A review of the effectiveness of Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh) for the symptoms of menopause. moremore 77. The endocrine effects of constituents of Cimicifuga racemosa. 2. In vitro binding of constituents to estrogen receptors. moremore 78. Endocrine effects of constituents of Cimicifuga racemosa. 1. The effect on serum levels of pituitary hormones in ovariectomized rats. more

升麻科學 E-Book Antitumor activity and mechanisms of action of total glycosides from aerial part of Cimicifuga dahurica targeted against hepatoma. moremore