Northern Central Gulf of Mexico Mississippi River plume East of Mississippi Delta Near Barrier Islands of Alabama, Mississippi General Experiment area
Based in Cocodrie, LA 116’ in length 18 days endurance 3500 mile range 8 kn cruising speed science crew
PersonnelAffiliationRole Deric GrayNRL-DCLidar, IOPs, AOPs, dye, meddling Glen FrickNRL-DCLidar, dye Derek BurrageNRL-SSCScanfish, moorings Joel WessonNRL-SSCLidar, scanfish Wes GoodeNRL-SSCIOPs, AOPs, lidar, scanfish, moorings Andy QuaidNRL-SSCScanfish, moorings Ian MartensNRL-SSCScanfish, moorings Fraser DalgleishHBOIProfiling Lidar Anni DalgleishHBOIProfiling Lidar Nicole StockleyHBOIIOPs Bob StavnUNCGWater samples Amy GonsalvesUNCGWater samples
Barneys (ADCPs) BOPPERs (ADCPs, profiling optics) Wire Mooring (CTD, backscattering/ fluorescence) Z Z Note: There is some uncertainty in Calipso tracks; will adjust mooring locations when we get better track predictions
Orange indicates potential locations of dye releases See kml file for long and short stations and scanfish tows
Anchors BOPPER mount Wire Basket Scan- fish Winch ? Wire Basket BOPPER mount Crate Scanfish HBOI IOPS Dye Depressor (stowed) CTD MVSM /LISST HBOI Lidar (?) Possible deck layout Space will be tight
Outrigger (stowed) Surface and subsurface releases Outrigger will be installed and deployed on port side Surface release from sprayer attached to outrigger Towed depressor from outrigger with dye diffusers at discrete depths Outrigger
cable block deck R/V’s hull depressor diffuser CTD diffuser hoses Water level Sketch of subsurface dye release