M. Jane McDaniel, BSMT, MT(ASCP)SC Chair, CASPA Advisory Committee Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) Director of Admissions, Department of Physician Assistant Studies Wake Forest University School of Medicine The Applicant Pool – 2007 Cycle 7 Report November Savannah
CASPA Advisory Committee Janie McDaniel, ChairWake Forest University John BurnsSouth University Pam ChambersDes Moines University Doris DaltonUniversity of Utah Cristina GonzálezUT Southwestern Medical Center Colleen Schierholtz Oregon Health & Science University Chere PereiraNAAHP Representative Kevin LohenryPAEA Board Liaison
CASPA Cycle 7 Application initiations:23,105 Unique e-submitted applicants:11,040 Unique processed/mailed applicants:10,550 Overview
Processed Applications Programs Applicants4,6695,0475,8856,8127,6089,03110,550 Designations Applications16,80818,14022,97629,46236,45945,66458,971 Overview
CASPA Applicants +8.1 % +16.6% +15.8% +11.7% +18.7% +16.8% Overview
CASPA Applications +7.9% +26.7% +28.2% +23.7% +25.2% +29.1% Overview
Designations per Applicant Overview
Applicants Per Seat * # Seats2,5842,6362,9903,6943,3753,7153,835 Applicants5,0295,3876,1417,0887,6089,03110,550 Applicants per Available Seat * Beginning 2006, # of seats are determined by # of matriculants reported by programs at the beginning of their academic year through the admissions portal. Overview
CASPA APPLICANT POOL 2008 Demographic Information
Gender CASPA Applicants
Gender: CASPA Applicants
Average Age: CASPA Applicants
Average Age by Gender: CASPA Applicants
Ethnicity Categories American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Indian Black, African- American (non- Hispanic) White (non-Hispanic) Mexican, Mexican American or Chicano Other Spanish/Hispanic/Lati no Puerto Rican Samoan Chinese Cuban Filipino Guamanian or Chamorro Japanese Korean Vietnamese Native Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander Other Asian Other No Answer CASPA Applicants
Ethnicity: CASPA Applicants
GPA: CASPA Applicants
* * Self-reported data Average Health Care Experience* CASPA Applicants
Health Care Experience 54.9% of Self-Reported Health Care Experience is Direct Patient Care CASPA Applicants
First Heard About PA Profession/Education Health-related work experience31%30% Another relative or friend25%26% Personal health care provider for me or my family14%15% Teacher or professor8% Parent6%7% PA Program literature or faculty5% Health professions advisor5% Career or guidance counselor3% Book, article, film or television1%2% PAEA or AAPA literature1% CASPA Applicants
Most Influential Factor for Choosing PA Profession/Education Health-related work experience59% Another relative or friend10%11% Personal health care provider for me or my family10% PA Program literature or faculty8%7% Parent5%4% Teacher or professor4% Health professions advisor3%2% PAEA or AAPA literature1% Career or guidance counselor1% Book, article, film or television1% CASPA Applicants
*Self reported data Applicants Who Took GRE Or MCAT * 51% of all CASPA programs required GRE or MCAT CASPA Applicants
*Self reported data GRE Scores* CASPA Applicants
Most Common Majors: Rank Rank2008 Biology13,98414,685 Psychology Health Science Exercise Science Science Nursing Kinesiology Medical Tech Other CASPA Applicants
CASPA Applicant Pool States Contributing Most Applicants % of total Texas9% California8% New York7% Pennsylvania6% Florida6% Michigan5% North Carolina4% Virginia3% Illinois3% Maryland3% CASPA Applicants
CASPA Service Cycle Seven
CASPA e-Submitted Applicants CASPA Service
CASPA Processing Time Application processing begins after application is complete: ◦Submitted and fee paid ◦All transcripts received ◦Two of three letters of reference received Average Processing Time Once Complete: 13 Days CASPA Service
Percent Change in Applicant Pool per Program 88% of Programs experienced an increase in applicants CASPA Service
Fee Waiver Summary $17,840 Total dollars awarded: $17, Total number of 2008 recipients: Total awardees matriculated: Percent of awardees matriculated: 28.5 CASPA Service
CASPA Customer Service Survey: Programs (June 2008, N=77) “Very” to “Somewhat” PDAdmissions Responsive to Program Concerns 96%92% Responsive to Applicant Concerns 90%71% Web-based Admissions Portal Beneficial to Admissions Process 90%96% CASPA Service
CASPA Customer Service Survey: Applicants (Mar 2008, N=3136) “Very Satisfied” to “Somewhat Satisfied” Responsiveness88.1% (81.1% in 2007) Timeliness to Process and Deliver 82.0% (81.6% in 2007) Overall Quality of Service 89.1% (87.1% in 2007) CASPA Service
Professionalism of CASPA staff 92.0% very professional or professional if contact, 90.1% in 07 CASPA Customer Service Survey: Applicants CASPA Service
Overall satisfaction of the quality of service 89.1% “Very High Quality” or “High Quality”, 87.1% in 07 CASPA Customer Service Survey: Applicants CASPA Service
CASPA-only programs applied to CASPA Customer Service Survey: Applicants CASPA Service
CASPA Matriculants Matriculants
Gender 2008FemaleMale Applicants72.9%24.7% Matriculants74.3%23.7% Non-Matriculants72.2%25.2% Matriculants
Age 2008AllFemaleMale Applicants Matriculants Non-Matriculants Matriculants
U.S. Citizenship 2008All Applicants95.3% Matriculants97.2% Non-Matriculants94.1% Matriculants
GPA 2008ScienceNon-ScienceOverall Applicants Matriculants Non-Matriculants Matriculants
Ethnicity 2008WhiteAll Others Applicants70.1%29.9% Matriculants77.1%22.9% Non-Matriculants67.3%32.7% Matriculants
Ethnicity 2008 WhiteAsianBlack Other Hisp Asian Ind Mex Am Puerto Rican Am Indian Hawaiian & Pac Is Applicants70.8%6.4%6.0%4.0%3.1%2.4%0.8% 0.3% Matriculants77.1%5.0%3.4%3.2%2.3% 0.5%0.7%0.2% Matriculants
Economically & Educationally Disadvantaged* 2008Economically Disadvantaged Educationally Disadvantaged Applicants12.0%7.5% Matriculants8.9%6.4% Non-Matriculants13.7%8.3% * Self-reported data Matriculants
Average Health Care Experience* 2008 (in hours) Direct Patient Care Health Care Relateed Experience Total Applicants Matriculants Non-Matriculants *Self-reported data Matriculants
GRE* 2008Took GRETook MCAT GRE Score** (verb+quant) Applicants59.3%4.2%1073 Matriculants53.9%3.4%1107 Non-Matriculants50.8%4.7%1046 *Self Reported Data ** Not all who claimed to have taken the GRE reported their scores
Comparison of PA Applicants to Other Medical Professions
Number of Applicants in Health Professions Source: CASPA (PAEA), AAMC, AACOM, AACP
CASPA Cycle 8 Admissions
CASPA Cycle 8 As of October 2008 Total Applicants: UP 1625 or 23% over last year at this time Designations: Up from 5.1 to 5.6 over last year at this time
CASPA Members We Continue to Grow
THANK YOU for your help with this report Mei Liang, Assistant Director, Data and Research, PAEA Ann Donnelly, Deb Erdner and the dedicated staff at Liaison International
THANK YOU for your help and support All who have served on the CASPA Advisory Committee over the years PAEA Staff: Timi, Sam, Mei, Eileen, Jennifer, Geraldene, Ayeshia Liaison International: George Haddad, Deb, Ann, Jerome, Brian and others Participating Programs