Management Information System in AB BANK
Group Members: Md. Mooneem Mehedi : Mukammel Hoque Riad : Sharmin Chowdhury :
What is Management Information System? Management Information System (MIS) consists of people, technology, organization, operations and relationship among them. Management information system or MIS broadly refers to a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools to organize, evaluate and efficiently manage departments within an organization.
Types of Management Information System:
State of Management Information System in Bangladesh MIS collects and process data and produce data for the top level managers to make efficient decisions. It helps to improve business strategy, business plan etc. As a result- it becomes popolar in corporate level; there has a progression in MIS education in Bangladesh.
Data Analysis : The information collected from different sources and documents is used to identify the State of Management Information System in Bangladesh. The table 1 and table 2 shows the present
Status of MIS education in Bangladesh: Table 1 : Public University seat capacity SLUniversityNo NONameof Seat in University00110 of Dhaka Total00110 **AIS Others(bongo 50 + bou 50 + Barisal 75 + rokeya 60 jaga 60 +Jahangir 80+najrul 80 + Rajshahi 90+ ctg 90
Status of MIS education in Bangladesh: Table 2 : Private University seat capacity SLUniversity NameNo NOofOf Seat inIn Daffodil International University American International University North South University120 4 Metropolitan Universitiy100 5 Independent University100 6 Other University Total420720
MIS in AB BANK AB Bank Limited, the first private sector bank was incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 as Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited and started its operation with effect from April 12, 1982.
MIS in AB BANK Through our findings we came to know that this bank uses management information system in every department like: IT Marketing Customer service Treasury Merchant baking
MIS in AB BANK Available information technologies Misys core banking solution. Mail server Website Core Banking Software: Equation Banking System Front End Software: Equation Branch Automation Reporting software: WebForm
MIS in AB BANK Software products from Misys PLC (Running) Core Banking Software: Equation Banking System Front End Software: Equation Branch Automation Reporting Software: Webform Software products from Misys PLC (Implementation Phase) Trade Finance Software: Trade Innovation Internet Banking Software: Integrated Financial Module
Software products from Misys PLC (Running) Misys Equation is a fully integrated, real-time, multi- currency retail banking solution that helps organizations deliver competitive products and excellent service to customers. It supports consumer and corporate banking as well as treasury operations on a single platform.
Front End Software: Equation Branch Automation Equation Branch Automation is designed to support customer-facing staff within a retail branch banking environment. The Equation Branch Automation system is already tightly integrated with the Equation core banking server, and provides ready-to-run functionality to support cashiers, personal bankers and relationship managers. Equation Branch Automation allows online, real-time transaction processing for the Equation Banking Server, with immediate access to account and transaction information and verification of availability of funds.
Reporting software: WebForm Webform applies the latest web-based technology to the Equation banking system. Report data is available as web pages, as Excel spreadsheets, and for analysis using multi-dimensional PivotTables.
Internet banking software : integrated financial module Equation IFM offers powerful features for business customers. Customers can administer their own user communities, with different levels of access to customer and account information and transactions.