ENA 10 Salo Upper Secondary School
Your aim Which grade are you aiming at in the matriculation examination? How are you going to reach that goal? Which area is your strongest: LC, RC, vocabulary, grammar or writing an essay? Which area is the weakest, ie where you should do more work on?
Course Contents 8 units to prepare you for the matriculation examination (Texts in Units 1-4 = B2.1-B2.2-level, Units 5-8 = C1- level) All possible assignment types in the matriculation examination: LC, RC, composition, grammar and vocabulary Study instructions to help your learning process and success in the final exam Grammar and vocabulary (9 topics)revision
Course materials Otava’s Abi englanti textbook (the 2012 edition) CD at the back of the book English Matriculation Examination Written Part booklet + key on YLE Abitreenit English Matriculation Examination LCs in the lab once a week = every Tuesday starting this week
Homework Texts + RC exercises Homework exercises: Revision on grammar and vocabulary Vocabulary quizzes Essay 1 deadline Fri 15 November Essay 2 deadline Wed 4 December
Course timetable WeekTueWedFri 46First lesson Intro LC 1 Text 1 + Grammar + School words Essay 1 deadline Text 3 Work words 47LC 2 Grammar Family and Society Text 4 Law and Order Text 5 Grammar Culture 48LC 3 Traffic Text 6 Grammar Economics Text 7 Grammar The environment 49LC practice Grammar Studia Fair (In-service training) Essay 2 deadline Independence Day Free 50LC Exam Grammar Text 8 RC Politics and global issues Course exam on VILLE
Course assessment Regular attendance on the course (max 2 absences) Assignments completed on time Final exam Course grading: Pass/not passed
Where there’s a will there’s a way!