SafeZone at UAA: Points of Pride Areas of Concern Contacts & Opportunities Our Time Today
What is SafeZone?
Safe Zone is … A program designed to increase the overall campus community's understanding and awareness of issues faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, allies (GLBTQA+) and other marginalized groups
UAA SafeZone Training Train the Trainer – Feb. 29 & Mar 1 Ally Training Programming SafeZone Celebration LGBT+ History Month Lavender Lunches – Healthy Sexuality – Feb. 26 Advocacy and support 2013 Raymond Jorgenson Community Service Award 2014 ACPA Standing Committee for LGBT Awareness - Pubic Service Award
SafeZone Allies Person who supports, and respects members of the LGBTQ community. While the word doesn’t necessitate action, we consider people to be active allies who take action upon this support and respect, this also indicates to others that you are an ally. From 2010: Approximately 25 ally trainings Approximately 150 allies from around the state Faculty, Staff, Students & Community Members
SafeZone Trainers A “super ally” – someone who has gone through the 8- hour train the trainer training. Have been through all of modules that UAA SafeZone has. Committed to making UAA a more inclusive institution for all students, staff and faculty. From 2010: Approximately 8 train the trainer trainings Approximately 50 trainers from around the nation SafeZone trainers – who are they?
SafeZone: Amazing Story Drew’s story
Areas of Concern Staffing De-centralized resources Institutional Research Needed
The Opportunities Diversity Coordinator Designated Space LGBT Campus Climate Survey & Further Campus Research Inclusive Facilities & Learning Communities
Contacts Identity Inc. Pride Foundation High School Gay Straight Alliance The Family Club Universities with established programs Western Oregon University
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