LGB Health and social care student information
Ethnicity and Abuse Lesbians and gay men from BME populations are more likely to experience physical abuse and harassment from a stranger than those who are white. This is also the case with abuse from family – 22% of white gay or bisexual men have experienced domestic abuse but this figure rises to 32% in the Asian community and 43% for black people.
Ethnicity and Abuse A complex range of issues may lead to self-harm and suicide, including racism, gender inequality and the pressures of ‘izzat’ (honour) and ‘sharam’ (shame) within the family. Refusing an arranged marriage can also bring shame upon the family. 76% of BME gay and bisexual schoolboys have thought about taking their own life compared to 56% of white gay and bisexual school boys.
Religion Very few scriptures prohibit love between two people of the same sex, though some discuss the link between sexual acts and a duty to procreate. LGB people may be rejected by members of their faith community when they come out. The resources section contains organisations where patients of faith can go to get support.
Religion Those whose faith bans alcohol may feel doubly discriminated if their local gay network is built around drinking. There is little research in this area but a paper in 2011 found that many people who were both gay and religious found themselves ostracised from both their faith and the gay ‘scene'.
Religion There are some extreme examples of how religion copes with homosexuality. More gender reassignment surgery is performed in Iran than in any other country and it has been suggested that this is because homosexuality is outlawed whereas such surgery is allowed in Islam. By changing gender, the patient is no longer homosexual, though they did not in fact have gender dysphoria or any medical need for the surgery.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers Homosexuality is illegal in many countries LGB asylum seekers are regularly refused asylum, partly due to difficulties in providing evidence of homosexuality. This evidence can be difficult to obtain and could be dangerous to have in countries where homosexuality is punishable by prison or the death sentence.
Disability Research has shown that people with a physical or mental disability are often treated as non-sexual or asexual. Family, carers and professionals may have legitimate concerns about protecting disabled people from exploitation but this can also prevent them from exploring their sexuality. Those with learning difficulties may have restrictions placed on their socialising by family or carers due to perceptions of vulnerability.
Disability Lesbian and gay people with a learning disability are more likely to experience domestic abuse from family members than their heterosexual counterparts. A survey carried out by YouGov and Stonewall found that older disabled LGB patients were less likely to access medical care and social services than their heterosexual counterparts. This was particularly prominent with regard to mental health services where four times as many lesbian and gay patients than heterosexual ones did not access services that they felt they needed.
Finding a sexual partner Many lesbians and gay men meet their partners in the same way that heterosexuals do, but cruising and cottaging are alternative ways for gay men to meet, including those who may not be out and may be in a heterosexual relationship or married. Cruising is the act of men going to a public space to meet other men with whom to have consensual sex. It is less common since the advent of smartphones and apps. It is legal. Cottaging is having sex in a public toilet and is illegal.
Finding a sexual partner Gay men and women are 6 times more likely than heterosexuals to have sex with someone they met online, with obvious potential consequences for personal safety. One study with over 7000 respondents showed that those who use apps to meet sexual partners are more likely to be diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhoea than those who only meet new partners face to face. Attacks in cruising areas may go unreported due to the victim’s fear that they may be arrested, or outed as being gay.