What do you observe?
Enlarged photo?
What do you observe? Enlarged photo? Looks like a tree
What do you observe? Enlarged photo? Looks like a tree Are they all connected?
What do you observe?
What do you observe? Electric?
DENDRITES - Greek word for tree (flowers of intelligence)
Your Brain is FILLED with DENDRITES
YOU YOU control how many DENDRITES that you g r o w
At Birth 6 Years Old 14 Years Old Dendrites in the Human Brain
Human Brain size of a (“Newspaper brain”) weighs about 3 pounds
Human Brain size of a grapefruit (“Newspaper brain”) weighs about 3 pounds has 100 Billion cells cells can grow as many as 1 million billion dendrite connections Dendrites – about 100 miles
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Learning occurs & dendrites grow when you... Have NEW experiences (physical, emotional, intellectual)
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by:
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning studying
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning studying putting forth full effort
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning studying putting forth full effort the more dendrites you grow, the smarter you become.
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning studying putting forth full effort the more dendrites you grow, the smarter you become. use it or lose it.
Student Responsibility Grow your own dendrites by: paying attention to learning studying putting forth full effort the more dendrites you grow, the smarter you become. use it or lose it. those who do the work, grow the dendrites.
You can be like him or like her. The choice is completely up to you.