Today Continue listening for details: Numbers
Review Write the numbers as I say them ,030,000, , , ,100, ,800,000, , ,533,900
1,250,000 won Macbook air
6,900 won
90,900 won
12,552,690 won
7,900 won
Tiger Woods $78,100,000
LeBron James $59,800,000
Christiano Ronaldo $44,000,000
Practice (p.38) The amount of money Manchester United will pay Roma to buy Basil Panini - 80,000,000 Basil Panini’s weekly salary at Manchester United - 130,000 The total amount of money Basil Panini will earn during five years at Manchester United - “over” 70,000,000
Practice: Apple’s Q Earnings Pre-listening: U.S. $$$ What do you think is Apple’s total income in one year? How many computers (desktop + notebook) does Apple sell in one year? How many ipods (all types) does Apple sell in one year? How many apps are downloaded from itunes in one year?
Apple’s Q Earnings: Quarter = 25% of a year (3 months). 1 st quarter (Q1 = January - March) Net income = total income – expenses. (i.e., Jim had a total income of $60,000 last year and expenses of $25,000. Net income = $35,000). Macs = Apple computers (i.e., macbook, iMac, etc.)
q1-earnings-call-record-breaking-sales q1-earnings-call-record-breaking-sales
Apple’s Q Earnings: 1. What was Apple’s revenue for this quarter? 2. How much was the net income? 3. How many Macs (computers) did Apple sell in this quarter? 4. How much did sales increase in the Asia-Pacific region? 5. Approximately how many apps have customers downloaded in the past year? 6. How many iPods did Apple sell in this quarter? 7. On December 25, how many apps & contents were downloaded?
Apple’s Q Earnings: 1. $46,300,000, $13,100,000, , 200,000 macs 4. 58% 5. over 100,000,000 apps 6. 15,400,000 iPods ,000,000 apps & content
Quiz 1 When: Monday (March 23) Contents: - minimal pairs - listening for details - listening for details: numbers Time: ~ min
Quiz 1 Possible types of questions: - Multiple choice - Fill-in-the-blanks - Fill-in-the-chart - Short answer
Quiz 1 Practice questions are on the website. - Check “Files” section. Answers will be uploaded on Monday.
Quiz 1 Best way to prepare: 1. Listen to all of the files we have used in the class (and for homework). 2. Do the practice quiz 3. Review the PowerPoints