American Revolution continued…..
Olive Branch Petition Summer 1775 – Congress sends petition - a written request- to George III Offered absolute loyalty if he ended quarrel Olive Branch stands for PEACE King refused to read petition
Common Sense English publisher – Thomas Paine – writes it in 1776 He argued Americans had nothing to gain and much to lose from remaining tied to Britain. Sold over 120,000 copies Idea of Independence became sensible.
Declaration of Independence
In this structure, once called the Pennsylvania State House, the stirring words and ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were debated.
Benjamin Franklin was an important political figure. His political influence greatly advanced the American cause.
Thomas Jefferson articulated the philosophy of self government and emphasized the importance of individual rights
Thomas Jefferson prepared the first draft, with changes made by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.
The Assembly Room of Independence Hall is where the Declaration was debated, approved, and finally signed by the members of the Continental Congress.
The signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
President’s table with silver ink stand.
Signatures on the Declaration of Independence.