The Structure and Function of Cells
Cell Bellwork #1 Did you bring your representative organelle from home? (If not, find something really quick!) Do you know where these life functions are carried out in a cell? –Nutrition- Regulation –Transport- Reproduction –Respiration- Metabolism –Excretion- Homeostasis –Synthesis- Growth
Nutrition Transport Respiration Excretion Synthesis Reproduction, Growth, Regulation & Homeostasis Reproduction Metabolism occurs in all organelles!! Synthesis Transport Excretion Synthesis
How do cells communicate? Cell Phones!!! What do you call an amoeba that won’t share? Cell-fish!!
Figure 2.1 The hierarchy of biological order from atom to organism
The Cell Theory Parts –The cell is the basic unit of structure of an organism. –The cell is the basic unit of function. –All cells arise from pre-existing cells
Anton van Leeuwenhoek: Invented the First Microscope Robert Hooke: Coined the word “cell”
Robert Brown discovered the Nucleus Matthias Schleiden was a botanist who helped create the cell theory.
Theodor Schwann studied animals and contributed to the cell theory. Rudolph Virchow was the first to say that all cells came from preexisting cells.
Exceptions to the cell theory- 1.Where did the first cell come from? 2.What about Viruses? - not a cell, but can reproduce if inside another cell - on the bridge between living and nonliving
CELL STRUCTURES ORGANELLES – tiny structures that make up cells CELL MEMBRANE – Semipermeable –Allows certain substances in and keeps other substances out –Made up of lipids and proteins –Cholesterol Helps maintain the structure of the cell membrane
Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) Excretion
Cytoplasm The jelly-like, liquid portion of the cell that holds the organelles in place. –Cyclosis – the cytoplasm moving organelles around the cell (cytoplasmic streaming)Cyclosis Cytoplasm
The Nucleus Brain of the cell (controls cell activites) The nucleus has a membrane (envelope) Prokaryotes – lack a nucleus. Eukaryotes – have a nucleus Reproduction & Growth Regulation & Homeostasis
Prokaryotes lack these compartments
One more thing to worry about… Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotes NO NUCLEUS Have a cell membrane and cytoplasm…but no organelles Carry out life processes Eukaryotes HAVE NUCLEUS Have organelles contained within the cytoplasm Carry out life processes
What’s inside the nucleus? Chromosomes DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) – genetic code
Chromatin Chromatin is tangled masses of DNA inside the nucleus Chromatin condenses into chromosomes right before cell division begins.
Nucleolus Contains protein and RNA (ribonucleic acid)… Makes ribosomes Synthesis
Ribosomes Make protein Found free floating in the cytoplasm or on the endoplasmic reticulum. Synthesis
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) 2 Types - Rough and Smooth ER Used for transport in the cell
Rough – has ribosomes Smooth – does not have ribosomes Synthesis and Transport Excretion
Mitochondrion Powerhouse of the Cell!!! Cell occurs here! Do you remember what cell respiration makes??? Energy!! Folded inner membrane increases surface area!!! Remember that the energy is in the form of ATP!! Respiration
Cell Bellwork #2 Did you bring a page size picture of your assigned organelle? If not, please print or draw one right now!! Now that we have looked at some of the organelles, can you tell me where some of these life functions are carried out in a cell? –Nutrition- Regulation –Transport- Reproduction –Respiration - Metabolism –Excretion- Homeostasis –Synthesis- Growth
Golgi Apparatus Packaging center of the cell. Along with the smooth ER, it also helps to detoxify! It makes vesicles to help with transport
Golgi Body Secreting Vesicles Transport
Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Digest old worn out parts and invaders
Lysosomes breaking down organelles within a cell. Nutrition
Vacuole Storage Hold food, oil, wastes HUGE in plant cells – they usually only have one!! smaller in animal cells – usually have more than one!!
Contractile Vacuoles Pump excess water out of Unicellular organisms.
Turgor pressure pressure exerted against the cell wall in a plant from water in the vacuole When turgor pressure is present, plants are perky instead of wilted!!
Centrioles (Animal Cells only) Used during cellular reproduction Centrioles
Cell Wall (Plant cell only) Cell membrane Surrounds the cell membrane and helps with structure and support in plant cells. Cell Wall
Chloroplast (Plant cells only) Carry out photosynthesis - take energy from the sun and make food. Contain chlorophyll, so they’re green!
Lets put ‘em all together Animal CellsPlant Cells
Animal Cell Golgi Apparatus Lysosome Mitochondria Vacuole Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus Nucleolus Cell Membrane
Animal Cells-Drawing
Plant Cell Vacuole Chloroplast
Major Differences between Plant and Animal Cells Plant Cells No Centrioles Large vacuole Cell Wall Chloroplasts Usually rectangular Animal Cells Have centrioles Small vacuoles No cell wall No Chloroplasts Usually round
Figure 2.1 The hierarchy of biological order from atom to organism