臺綜大 優秀年輕學者策勵營 如何經營研究團隊 中山大學 黃志青 2015 年 7 月 3 日
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Research strategy Build up your personal expertise. Be focused for a long term. Find problems or unsolved issues, not play around among several hot areas. Write papers to tell a stimulating story, not submit technical reports. One major conclusion per paper. Many conclusions might mean no conclusion.
Shaping up the research Write up all questions to be answered. Set up the test frame. Modify the test frame after discussion with others Prepare to be unsuccessful and recover from the disaster. Keep on the literature survey and ready to update the research.
Designing research plan Find the unsolved issue(s), not only the hot area(s). Explore the works done and published. Gather the related information before starting. Discuss with colleagues and students. Find necessary help from local colleagues and overseas scholars. Form long-termed collaborating team if necessary. Estimate the budget, facility and manpower. Proceed with constant re-evaluation.
Eight trails to your professional goal (Richard St. John) Passion, love what you do Work, work really hard. Focus, on the main thing, not every thing. Push, push yourself over the barriers. Idea, continuously come up with good new idea. Improve, improve yourself by continuous education. Sever, help other people, not just me, me, me. Persistent, no overnight success.
International collaboration
Join related associations Such as MRS, MRS-T, TMS, ASM, etc. Run some services for the society, such as paper review, session organization, etc. Do attend international conferences and push oral/invited/keynote/plenary presentations. Continuously link with world-wide top scholars. Make some good and close overseas friends.
Goals Lead major local or international joint projects. Inspire students to perform outstandingly. Be recognized locally and internationally for a specific field. Highly cited by others. Be invited to deliver keynote/plenary talks. Be invited to write review articles or books. Be influential for related industry.
Extended work Write review papers. Lead joint projects. Sacrifice when needed and be generous. Hire post-docs (Chinese, Indian, etc). Collaborate continuously with former PhD students. Send PhD students abroad as links. Care your collaborators and students.
Successful team work Long-termed trustful friendship. Complementary expertise. Frequent brain storming. Frequent interaction via joint group meeting. Upper mentors, middle co-workers, basic man-powers. Enough and fair budget distribution. Meaningful outcome.
豐盛二十七年 感恩
Hard working students PhD students ~40 MS students ~65 BS students ~35
Build up a strong and intimate group Spend time with your students. Like a family, army, or company. Solid group meetings or other activities. Weekly or monthly reports. Integrity, group spirit, codes and rules. Group web site and group directory. Lab leader, senior and junior, team work. Incentive (salary, papers, overseas travel, overseas study, etc). Working hours, leave for absence. Duration of MS and PhD programs. See if your BS and MS students are willing to stay (spirit check).
感恩 感謝恩主 感謝家人 感謝歷屆同學、博士研究員、助理 感謝歷年來合作之國內外學者 感謝國語禮拜堂、武昌教會、真光教會 感謝中山大學、科技部、教育部、經濟部 感謝金屬中心、工研院、中鋼